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ARTFISH - Approaches, Rules and Techniques for Fisheries Statistical Monitoring
BARNUFO - Barbados Union of Fisherfolk Organization
BFC - Bridgetown Fisheries Complex
BVI - British Virgin Islands
CARICOM - Caribbean Community
CARIFIS - Caribbean Fisheries Information System
CARIFORUM - Caribbean Forum of African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States
CERMES - Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies
CFU - CARICOM Fisheries Unit
CPUE - Catch per Unit Effort
CRFM - Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism
DECR - Department of Environmental and Control Resources
DFMR - Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources
DOF - Department of Fisheries
DPU - Development Planning Unit
EFZ - Exclusive Fishery Zone
FAD - Fish Aggregating Device
FIDI - Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit
FRP - Fibre reinforced plastic
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
HP - Horsepower
ICRAFD - Integrated Caribbean Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Development Project
LRS - Licensing and Registration System Database
PROPESCAR-SUR - Proyecto de promoción de la pesca costera artesanal de la región sur
RAU - Resource Assessment Unit
SSFA - Stations of Service of Fisheries Administration
STATIN - Statistical Institute of Jamaica
TAC - Total Allowable Catch
TCI - Turks and Caicos Islands
TIP - Trip Interview Programme
USVI - US Virgin Islands
UWI - University of the West Indies
WECAFC - Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission

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