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85. The Workshop ended on 22 March 2003, with closing remarks by Mr Randolph Walters, on behalf of FAO, and Mr Terrence Phillips on behalf of CFU. They thanked the participants for maintaining a high level of interest and involvement throughout the sessions of the Workshop. They also urged the participants to participate in the follow-up activities as well as to apply the knowledge gained in the management and development of the fisheries sectors in their respective countries. They also extended thanks to Mr Stamatopoulos and all the resource persons and CERMES, UWI, for collaborating in the conducting of the workshop, and the Government of Barbados for co-hosting it.

86. Mr Christopher Parker, of the Barbados Fisheries Division, thanked FAO and CFU for organizing and convening the Workshop, on behalf of his colleagues (the participants) and on behalf of the Government of Barbados.

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