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Training materials - Word and Excel documents


Material 2.1

A simple horticultural chain model.

Material 2.2

Reference reading. Opportunities and challenges for the Latin American & Caribbean horticultural sector.


Material 3.1

The concept of quality from the standpoint of different actors in the chain.

Material 3.2

Reference reading. The concept of quality in the horticultural sector.

Material 3.3

Procedures for quality determination.

Material 3.4

Components of a quality standard for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Material 3.5

Reference reading. Importance of appropriate handling and logistics in post harvest of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Material 3.6

National importance of post-harvest of fruits and vegetables.

Material 3.7

Reference reading. Guidelines for an action plan for quality maintenance and enhancement and improving the efficiency of post-harvest handling systems for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Material 3.8

Case Study. Action plan to assure the quality and improve the efficiency of post-harvest handling systems for Physalis (Cape gooseberry).


Material 4.1

Case study. Importance of safety in horticulture: implications for demand and trade.

Material 4.2

Reference reading. Importance of food safety in horticulture.

Material 4.3

Codex Food Safety Standards.

Material 4.4

Supplementary standards.

Material 4.5

Reference reading. Programs for safety assurance of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Material 4.6

Hazard analysis in production and post-harvest handling of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Material 4.7

Case study. Action plan to assure safety of Physalis (Cape gooseberry) as fresh produce for export markets.

Material 4.8

Reference reading. Guidelines for action plans to assure safety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Material 4.9

Hazard identification and control measures. Field visit.


Material 5.1

Reference reading. Implications of certification for the Latin American & Caribbean horticultural sector.

Material 5.2

Working document. Codes of Practice.

Material 5.3

SWOT analysis.

Material 5.4

Action plan, Multiplication plan.

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