Page précédente Table des matières Page suivante




(Somme des) mycotoxine(s)

Limite (µg/kg)

Base juridique

Autorité compétente

Méthode d'échantillonnage

Méthode d'analyse






ZAMBIE [ZM] 2003: aucune réglementation officielle

Aucune mesure n'existe en Zambie en ce qui concerne le contrôle des mycotoxines dans les produits de consommation, mais, pour les exportations, il est possible d'appliquer les mesures en vigueur dans les pays d'exportation et l'exportateur envoie des échantillons là où les analyses peuvent être réalisées, y compris à l'extérieur du pays.

ZIMBABWE [ZW] 2003: situation 1996: aucune réglementation [FAO 1997]

Produits d'alimentation humaine

denrées alimentaires

afla B1






arachides, maïs, sorgho

afla B1


afla G1


Produits d'alimentation animale

aliments pour animaux

afla B1B2G1G2





les niveaux varient en fonction du type d'animaux

aliments pour volaille

afla B1G1


Abréviations et références du Tableau 3



DH: Department of Health


ZA1 Regulations R.313 of 16 February 1990, published under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (Act 54 of 1972).



MT: Ministère du commerce


DZ1 AOAC (1990). 986.22. Aflatoxins in peanuts and peanuts products - CB method Food and Drug Laboratories - Canada - Best food method.

DZ2 NF-VF (1980). Animal feed - aflatoxins measurement B1, June 1980: 18-200.



BMVEL: Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture) Ministry of Public Health
LMBG: Lebensmittel- und Bedarfsgegenständegesetz (Act on Food and Commodities)


DE1 Mykotoxin - Höchstmengenverordnung. (Ordinance laying down maximum levels for mycotoxins in foodstuffs). Das Deutsche Bundesrecht 834. Lieferung Oktober 1999.

DE2 Diätverordnung (Ordinance on dietetic foodstuffs). Das Deutsche Bundesrecht 832. Lieferung September 1999.

DE3 Sampling based on § 42 LMBG considering Commission Directive 98/53/EC of 16 July 1998 [see EU6].

DE4 Sampling based on § 35 LMBG considering Commission Directive 98/53/EC of 16 July 1998 [see EU6].



SASO: Saudi Arabian Standard Organisation


SA1 Aflatoxin M1 concentration in commercial samples of milk and dairy products in Kuwait; Srivastava, Bu-Abbas, Alaa-Basuny, Al-Johar, Al-Mufti and Siddiqui, Food Additives and Contaminants 18 (2001) 993 - 997.



AR1 Mercosur Resolution 56/94



SSHAHS: Supervision Service of Haypetstandard and Authorities of Health Sphere


AM1 Moscow (1997). Foodstuffs and their raw materials. Hygienic requirements for quality and safety of foodstuffs and their raw materials. Sanitary regulations and norms Sanitary Supervision 2.3.2 560-96.

AM2 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1980). Methodical recommendations for revealing, identification and determination of Aflatoxins in foodstuffs, December 10,1980 Moscow. No. 2273-80.

AM3 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1980). Methodical recommendations for revealing, identification and determination of the content of Aflatoxins in foodstuffs and their raw materials, using the high effective liquid chromatography, March 20,1986 Moscow. No. 4082-86.

AM4 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1984). Methodical instructions for revealing, identification and determination of Zearalenone in foodstuffs, January 23, 1984, Moscow. No. 2964-84.

AM5 GOST 28001-88. Corn, the products of its processing, combicorm. Method of determination of mycotoxins, namely: T-2 toxin, Zearalenone (F-2) and ochratoxin A. Products of fruit and vegetable processing. Method of determination of Patulin.

AM6 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1984). Methodical instructions for revealing, identification and determination of the content of T-2 toxin in foodstuffs, December 29, 1984, Moscow. No. 3184-84.

AM7 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1985). Methodical instructions for revealing, identification and determination of Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin) in corn and grain products, October 10, 1985, Moscow. No. 3940-85.

AM8 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1990). Methodical instructions for revealing, identification and determination of Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin) and Zearalenone in corn and grain products, July 27,1990, Moscow. No. 5177-90.

AM9 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1982). Methodical recommendations for revealing, identification and determination of the content of Patulin in both fruit and vegetable juices and those paste, December 30,1982 Moscow. No. 2655-82.

AM10 Products of fruit and vegetable processing. Method of determination of Patulin. GOST 28038-89.

AM11 Ministry of Health of the USSR (1985). Methodical recommendations for quality control of Aflatoxins in food coming from animals, October 11,1985 Moscow. No. 3942-85.



AQIS: Australian Quarantine Inspection Service
STANZHD: State and Territories of Australia New Zealand Health Departments


AU1 Maximum limits of these toxins are listed in Australia New Zealand. Food Standard Code: Standard 1.4.1 - Contaminants and Natural Toxicants.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture


AT1 CEN-Method prEN 14123.

AT2 Lew, et al. (2001). Clean-up by Romer-column, silylation, GC-ECD. Die Bodenkultur 52 (3): 199-207.

AT3 Schuhmacher, et al. (1998). Clean-up by immunoaffinity column, HPLC. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 360: 241-245.



MFL: Ministry of Fisheries and Live Stock
MHF: Ministry of Health and Planning
EIA: Enzyme Immuno Assay


BD1 Ridascreen Fast Aflatoxin kit, R-Biopharm GmbH, D-Darmstadt, Germany. Enzyme immunoassay for quantitative determination of aflatoxin.

BD2 Giasuddin, et al. (2002). Prevalence of poultry disease in Bangladesh. Journal of Bio. Sci. 2002: 212-213.

BD3 Motalib Khan, Khamar (2001). Ochratoxin, the silent killer of poultry. Monthly magazine on poultry livestock & fisheries, March 2001: 17-18.



MPH: Ministry of Public Health


BY1 Hygienical requirements for food product safety and quality.
Sanitarian Code RB 98: 70, 72-74, 76, 79, 80, 81, 98-101, 112, 116, 133, 160.

BY2 Hygienical requirements for food product safety and quality.
Sanitarian Code RB 98: 85, 90, 92.

BY3 Hygienical requirements for food product safety and quality.
Sanitarian Code RB 98: 70, 81, 112, 160, 72-75.

BY4 Hygienical requirements for food product safety and quality.
Sanitarian Code RB 98: 70, 72-75, 160.



BA1 Article 57, Federal Register no.2, 1980, Sluzbeni list Socijalisticka Federation Republika Jugoslavija 2/1980.

BA2 Instruction for sampling methods of foodstuffs/Federal Register no. 60/1978 Sluzbeni list SFRJ br. 60/1978.


FCLHSW: Federal Commission Labour Health Social Welfare

BRÉSIL [BR] (voir également MERCOSUR)


MPH: Ministry of Public Health
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


BR1 Ministry Health (1977). Resolução Nº 34/76, CNNPA/MS - Diário Official da União, 19/01/1977 - Seção I: 710.

BR2 Journal AOAC (1989) 72: 22-26 (TLC).

BR3 AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. (TLC or HPLC).

BR4 Ministry Agriculture (1988). Portaria Nº 07/88, MAA - Diário Official da União, 14/11/1988, Seção I: 21968-21974.


ME1 Mercosul/GMC/Res No 56/94.

ME2 FAO (1993). Food and Nutrition Paper 55.

ME3 (1979). International Standard ISO 950.

ME4 Cereals - Sampling (as grain).

ME5 Walting AE (1980). JAOAC 63: 103-106.

ME6 FIL-IDF (1985). International IDF Standard 50B. Milk and Milk Products (and/or current).

ME7 AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. 968.22 and/or current.

ME8 AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. 970.44 and 971.22 (standards).

ME9 AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. 970.45 and/or current.

ME10 AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. 980.21 and/or current.



MH: Ministry of Health
MAF: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry


BG1 Ministry of Health in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Industry and the State Standardization Agency (2000). Regulation No. 11/2000 of 11 July 2000 laying down the maximum levels of mycotoxins in foodstuffs. Official Newspaper of the Republic of Bulgaria No. 58: 18-24.

BG2 Bulgarian State Standard Method BDS 16254-85.

BG3 Bulgarian State Standard Method BDS 16254-85. C-IAC with fluorometric determination.

BG4 AOAC (1995). Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC, 16th Edition, Chapter 49, Method 973.37. Ochratoxins in Barley, C-IAC with fluorometric determination.

BG5 (1993). ISO 8128:2

BG6 Russian State Standard Method GOST 3940-85

AOAC (1995). Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC, 16th Edition, Chapter 49, Method 986.17. Deoxynivalenol in wheat.

BG7 IAC with fluorometric determination.

BG8 (2001). BDS ISO 6870.



HC: Health Canada
CFIA: Canadian Food Inspection Agency


CA1 Tolerance under Canadian Food and Drugs Act and Regulations B.01.046 (1) and (n) and B.01.046 (2).

CA2 Guideline under Canadian Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, part 4a.

CA3 Codex Standard 209, Rev. 1, 2001.

CA4 Canadian Grain Commission; Official Grain Grading Guide. Standard Procedures for Grain Inspection as specified by the CGC.

CA5 Unofficial sampling plan of Health Canada [HC].

CA6 Health Protection Branch manual of Official Methods of Analysis - HPB-FC-14, June, 1993.

CA7 Canadian Grain Commission; analytical method for aflatoxins, ochratoxins and zearalenone in grains by HPLC with fluorescence detection.

CA8 Health Protection Branch Methods of Analysis, LPFC-155 (DON in wheat and soybeans) and LPFC-144 (DON in cereals).

CA9 Mass Spectral Investigations on Trichothecene Mycotoxins. 1. Application of Negative Ion Chemical Ionization Techniques for the Simultaneous and Accurate Analysis of Simple Trichothecenes in Picogram Levels, J. of Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry 13: 503 (1986).

CA10 Methods for the determination of Deoxynivalenol and other Trichothecenes in Foods, G.A. Lombaert in Mycotoxins and Food Safety, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 504, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, NY, 2002.

CA11 Canadian Grain Commission analytical method for determination of Fusarium trichothecenes in grain by GC-MS.

CA12 Canadian Feeds Act and Regulations (1983), Section 19 (1) (I).

CA13 Mycotoxin Factsheet 2000.

CA14 Feed Inspection Manual, May 1994.

CA15 AOAC Official Method 991.31.

CA16 JAOAC Int., 83, 1377 (2000).

CA17 CFIA SOP, extraction with acetonitrile/water (84/16), cleanup with Romer MycoSep 227, trifluoroacyl derivatives, GC/MS (ion-trap using acetonitrile CI).

CA18 CFIA SOP, extraction with acetonitrile/water (90/10), cleanup with IAC, LC/fluorescence detection.



MPH: Ministry of Public Health
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


CL1 For food established in the Sanitary Regulations of Foods.

CL2 Procedure NCh 1479 (1979) for food and feed.

CL3 For feed established in the Resolution 736. Ministry of Agriculture: Servicio Agricola y Ganadero.



MH: Ministry of Health


CN1 The compilation of food hygiene standards (1991). Chinese Standards Publishing House.

Hygienic standards of food additive-red rice, 360.

Hygienic standards of food additive-á-amylase preparation, 401.

Hygienic standards of food additive-glucoamylase preparation, 402.

Hygienic standards of irradiated peanut, 503-504.

Hygienic standards of irradiated rice, 509-510.

Hygienic standards of food for infants and young children-infant formula-soybean, 650-654.

Hygienic standards of food for infants and young children-infant formula-"5410", 655-659.

Hygienic standards of food for infants and young children- formulated weaning foods, 660-665.

Hygienic standards of food for infants and young children- weaning supplementary foods, 666-671.

CN2 Handbook of food hygiene standards [section of food hygiene standards] (1996). Chinese Standards Publishing House.

Hygienic standards of fermented bean products, 157.

Hygienic standards of starch products, 158.

Hygienic standards of edible vegetable oil, 163-164.

Hygienic standards of soybean sauce, 165.

Hygienic standards of grain paste, 166.

Hygienic standards of vinegar, 167.

Hygienic standards of fermented wine, 220-221.

Tolerance limits of Aflatoxin B1 in foods, 269.

Hygienic standards of batter cake, 316-317.

Hygienic standards of pastry, biscuit and bread, 318-319.

Tolerance limits of Aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk products, 377.

Hygienic standards of salad oil. Chinese Standards Publishing House: 473-474.

Hygienic standard for tolerance limits of patulin in apple and hawthorn products, 561-563.

Tolerance limits of Aflatoxin M1 in foods for infant and young children-infant formula milk powder, 776-784.

Tolerance limits of Aflatoxin M1 in foods for infant and young children-infant formula milk powder, 785-794.



FEHD: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department of Hong Kong SAR


HK1 Harmful substances in Food Regulations, Cap. 132 of the laws of Hong Kong SAR.

HK2 Aflatoxin B1B2G1G2: In house method referenced to AOAC official method 991.31

HK3 Aflatoxin M1: In house method referenced to AOAC official method 200.08



MH: Ministry of Health
MANRE: Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources & Environment


CY1 Acquis Communautaire. EC Regulation No. 1528/98.

CY2 EU Directive 98/53/EC.

CY3 AOAC (2000). Official Method 991.31.

CY4 Acquis Communautaire.

CY5 Kakouri E, et al. (1995). Food & Agriculture Immunology 7: 131-137.

CY6 (1993, 2001).Feedingstuffs and Feed Additives (Control of Quality, Supply and Use). Law 13 (I) of 1993 & 34 (I) of 2001, harmonized to the relevant Acquis Communautaire.

CY7 AOAC methods 2000.

CY8 EU method.

CY9 AOAC methods 2000.



CCFAC: Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants


CC1 Maximum level and sampling plan for total aflatoxins in peanuts intended for further processing. CODEX STAN 209-1999, Rev.1-2001: 5 pp.

CC2 Maximum level for patulin, CODEX STAN -2003, pre-publication.

CC3 Maximum level for aflatoxin M1 in milk, CODEX STAN 232-2003.



MH: Ministry of Health
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


CO1 Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas, ICONTEC. Document NTC 3581.

CO2 NTC366.

CO3 Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas, ICONTEC. Document NTC 740: Livestock Industry - Animal Food - Sampling.

CO4 Diaz GJ, Perilla NS and Royas Y (2001). Occurrence of aflatoxins in selected Colombian foods. Mycotoxin Research, 17: 15-20.

CO5 NTC 535-1.

CO6 NTC 535-2.

CO7 Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas, ICONTEC. Document NTC 602.

CO8 Agropecuario, ICA. Document No. DIP-3-100-002.

CO9 Céspedes AE and Diaz GJ (1997). Analysis of aflatoxins in poultry and pig feeds and feedstuffs used in Colombia. J. of AOAC Int., 80:1215-1219.

CO10 Diaz GJ and Céspedes AE (1997). Natural occurrence of zearalenone in feeds and feedstuffs used in poultry and pig nutrition in Colombia. Mycotoxin Research, 12: 81-87.



MPH: Ministère de la santé publique
MAP: Ministère de la production animale
MC: Ministère du commerce



MPH: Ministry of Public Health


HR1 Rhône Diagnostics Technologies and TLC, HPLC.

HR2 Rhône Diagnostics Technologies and TLC, HPLC.

HR3 AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 974.18.

HR4 Rhône Diagnostics Technologies and HPLC.



MPH/INHA: Ministry of Public Health/Instituto de Nutricion e Higiene de los Alimentos
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


CU1 Ministerio de Salud Pública (1999). Manual de indicadores empleados en la evaluación sanitaria de alimentos. Instituto de Nutrición e Hygiene de los Alimentos (INHA), Diciembre de 1999.

CU2 NC76-06: 85.

CU3 (1991). Determinación de patulina en frutas frescas y conservas. Rev. Cub Alim.Nutr. No. 2.

CU4 Otero E, Arias JA, Sersa R (2001). Presencia de patulina en purés y jugos de frutas. Rev. Alimentaria No. 321: 133.5.

CU5 Otero E, Arias JA, Sersa R. España Validación de un método para la determinación de patulina en purés y jugos de frutas por HPLC. Rev. Cub. Alim. y Nutr. (En prensa).

CU6 Arauce Calderius, Lic. JJ (2002). Determinación de fumonisina B1 en harina de maíz. Tésis de Maestría en Nutrición. INHA, abril 2002.

CU7 Methodo Modif. Trucksess.



DVFA: Danish Veterinary and Food Administration


DK1 Legal basis for OA legislation: Circular letter of 20 November 1980.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture


EG1 Egyptian Standard UDC 615.91. Maximum Limits for Mycotoxin.

In Foods Part I: Aflatoxin.



AE1 Information about maximum residue levels established in various countries. Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Commonwealth of Australia 2003. Internet access date: 6 October 2003; > Product Integrity/Animal and Plant Health > National Residue Survey (NRS).




VFB: Veterinary and Food Board
PPI: Plant Production Inspectorate


EE1 Regulation of the Government of the Republic (2000). Establishment of the list and permitted limits of permitted contaminants by food group No. 14 of 12 January 2000. Official Journal of Estonia Riigi Teataja (RT I, 2000, 6, 38).

EE2 Regulation of the Government (2000). The methods of sampling and analysis for determination of aflatoxins in foodstuffs No. 334 of 18 October 2000.

EE3 The list of undesirable substances and the maximum allowed quantities for the content thereof in feedingstuffs, containing undesirable substances of feed materials, which exceed the maximum allowed quantities for the manufacture of feedingstuffs. No. 54 of 17 June 2002.

EE4 The procedure for taking of control samples from feedingstuffs. No. 43 of 13 June 2002.



FDA: Food and Drug Administration
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture


US1 Compliance Policy Guides. CPG 555.400, CPG 570.200, CPG 570.375, CPG 570.500.

US2 Compliance Policy Guide. CPG 510.150.

US3 Unpublished letter from FDA to State Agricultural Directors, State Feed Control Officials, and Food, Feed and Grain Trade Organizations, September 16, 1993.

US4 FDA (2001). Guidance for Industry: Fumonisin Levels in Human Foods and Animal Feeds, November 9, 2001.


US6 FDA Investigative Operations Manual,

US7 FDA Compliance Program, Mycotoxins in Domestic Foods (7307.001), Mycotoxins in Imported Foods (7307.002).

US8 AOAC International (2000). Official methods of Analysis, 17th Edition, Chapter 49.

US9 Trucksess et al. (1996). Journal of AOAC International 79 (4): 883-887.

US10 Compliance Policy Guide. CPG 527.400.

US11 Compliance Policy Guide. CPG 683.100.

US12 FDA Compliance Program, Feed Contaminants (7371.003).



FCLHSW: Federal Committee for Labour, Health and Social Welfare


MK1 Article 57, Federal Register no. 2, 1980, Slusbeni list Socijalisticka Federation Republika Jugoslavija 2/1980.

MK2 Instruction for sampling methods of foodstuffs/Federal register no. 60/1978 Slusbeni.



MH: Ministry of Health


RU1 Sanitary Rules and Standards, Moscow (1997). Hygienic requirements for quality and safety of food raw materials and food products. SanPiN Official publication.



MAF [EELA]: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [National Veterinary and Food Research Institute]
MAF [KTTK]: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Plant Production Inspection Centre]
MF [FC]: Ministry of Finance [Finnish Customs]


FI1 Regulation by Ministry of Trade and Industry for food products not included in EU food legislation.

FI2 Official import control in Finland by customs.

FI3 Proposal prEN 14123.



DGCCRF: Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes, Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie
DGAL: Direction générale de l'alimention, Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche


FR1 Avis du Conseil supérieur d'hygiène publique de France du 8/12/1998.

FR2 CEN-NF EN 13585.

FR3 CEN-PrEN 14352.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture
GCSL: General State Laboratory
EFET: Hellenic Food Authority


GR1 Ministerial decision 91587/3.11.1992.



MPH: Ministry of Public Health
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


HU1 17/1999. (VI.16.) EüM Order and its amendment: 9/20003. (III.13.) ESZCSM Order's 3rd Annex.



MHFW: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
MFCS [DCS]: Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies [Department of Civil Supplies]


IN1 Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA) 1954 & Rules 1955.

IN2 Official method of sampling ISI 1548 (1981). Published by Bureau of Indian Standards.

IN3 Method for aflatoxin analysis - ISI 9071 Part I (1979). Published by Bureau of Indian Standards.

IN4 Licence under the solvent extraction oil, deoiled meal and edible flour (control) order 1967.

IN5 Indian Standards Institution IS: 1714 (1960) and IS: 4115 (1967).



NADFC: National Agency of Drug and Food Control [BADAN POM]


ID1 Hishashi Kamimura. Report in Indonesia.

ID2 (1985). Modification. Journal AOAC, Vol. 68, No. 3.

ID3 AOAC 1995 (by HPLC).



FSAI: Food Safety Authority of Ireland



MH: Ministry of Health


IL1 AOAC Official Method Chapter 49 994.08, pages 24 - 24A.

IL2 VICAM Instruction Manual [publication foreseen].

IL3 ISO/CD 14501: 1995.

IL4 Journal of Chromatography (1993). A 654: 247-254.

IL5 VICAM. Zeara latest Instruction Manual.



MH: Ministry of Health
RA&AP: Regional Authorities & Autonomous Provinces


IT1 Ministry of Health (1999). Circular of the Ministry of Health no. 10, 9 June 1999, indicating limits for food matrix not included in Regulation, according to indication of the National Health Institute (ISS).

IT2 Ministry of Health (2000). The Decree of the Ministry of Health 23.12.2000, transposing Directive 98/53/EC, indicates methods of analysis for food products.



MHL&W: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
MAF&F: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


JP1 An analytical method for aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in spices using a multifunctional column clean-up; Hiroshi Akiyama, Yukihiro Goda, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Masatake Toyoda, Journal of chromatography A 932 (2001) 153 - 157.



MH: Ministry of Health


JO1 Minister of Finance and Customs Instructions (5/35/8251) 11.03.1981; letter of Minister of Health (48/37/2049)-03.03.1981.



MH: Ministry of Health


KE1 Foods, Drugs and Chemical Substances Regulations, Kenya Gazette, 01.07.1978.

KE2 Official Methods of Analysis, AOAC.



MH: Ministry of Health


KW1 Aflatoxin M1 concentration in commercial samples of milk and dairy products in Kuwait; Srivastava, Bu-Abbas, Alaa-Basuny, Al-Johar, Al-Mufti and Siddiqui, Food Additives and Contaminants 18 (2001) 993 - 997.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture


LV1 Regulations of Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia. "About contamination of food". No. 292.

LV2 AOAC 994.08.

LV3 Analytical instruction. R-biopharm ELISA test kit.

LV4 AOAC 995.10.



SFVS: State Food and Veterinary Service [Ministry of Health]
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


LT1 Hygiene norm HN 54-2001.

LT2 The Director of the State Food and Veterinary Services and the Minister of Health (2002). Order No. 286/300, 24 June 2002.

LT3 The Minister of Health Order No.679, 24 December, 2002, laying down sampling and methods of analysis. Prepared according Commission Directives 98/53/EC of 16 July 1998 and 2001/22/EC laying down the sampling methods and the methods of analysis for the official control of the levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs.

LT4 The order of the State Food and Veterinary Service No. B1-356, April 7, 2003. Sampling for monitoring of substances and residues in food of animal origin. Prepared according Commission Directives 96/23/EC.

LT5 RIDASCREEN. Aflatoxin B1. Art. No. R 1201.

LT6 EUR 19027 EN (1999). Standard operation procedure for the determination of aflatoxins in various food matrixes by immunoaffinity clean-up and thin layer chromatography.

LT7 Determination of Aflatoxin B1 by HPLC.

SOP 5.4.Ch.16: prepared according to J.Stroka, E.Anklam Project SMT-CT96-2045.
Validation of Analytical Method to Determine the Content of Aflatoxins, 1997.

LT8 Determination of Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 by HPLC.

SOP 5.4.Ch.27: prepared according to J.Stroka, E.Anklam Project SMT-CT96-2045.
Validation of Analytical Method to Determine the Content of Aflatoxins, 1997.

LT9 Immuno sorbent assay of total Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 in grain and feedingstuffs. SOP 5.4.Ch.20: prepared according to R 4701 RIDASCREEN Aflatoxin total.

LT10 Immuno sorbent assay of Ochratoxin A in grain and feeding stuff.

SOP 5.4.Ch.22: prepared according to R 1301 RIDASCREEN Ochratoxin A.

LT11 Immuno sorbent assay of Aflatoxin M1 in milk and cheese.

SOP 5.4.Ch.21: prepared according to R 1101 RIDASCREEN Aflatoxin M1.

LT 12 Immuno sorbent assay of DON (deoxynivalenol) in grains and feedingstuff.

SDP 5.4.Ch.24: prepared according to R 5906 RIDASCREEN DON.

LT13 Immuno sorbent assay of Zearalenone in grain and feedingstuff.

SOP 5.4.Ch.23: prepared according to R 1401 RIDASCREEN Zearalenone.



MW1 Letter of Malawi Bureau of Standards BS/1/1 of 24.06.1976.



MY1 Food Regulations, 1985.



DPH: Department of Public Health


MT1 Draft legislation available on Malta Standards Authority website.

MT2 European Community Directive 98/53/EC.



MHQL: Ministry of Health & Quality of Life


MU1 Food regulations made under the Food Act 1998; Ninth schedule, regulation 62 (2) ©: maximum permissible quantity of mycological contaminants in food.



MPH: Ministry of Public Health


MX1 Official Norm of cereals. Flour, seeds for human consumption. National control and imports. Norm NOM-147-SSA 1996. Official diary of Mexican Government, December 10th (1999).

MX2 Eppley method for peanuts and oilseeds.

MX3 Modified CB method for aflatoxin in corn and tortilla.

MX4 Aflatest. Official method.



MA1 Ministère de l'agriculture, du dévéloppement rural et des eaux et forêts. Projet de circulaire sur les contaminants. Direction de la protection des végétaux, des contrôles techniques et de la répression des fraudes. Circulaire de discussion au niveau de la Commission interministérielle permanente pour le contrôle et la répression des fraudes. Rabat [received May 2002]



MH: Ministry of Health


MZ1 Codex Alimentarius limits.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture
DFTCC: Department of Food Technology and Quality Control


NP1 Food Act 1966.

NP2 Romer mini-column method.

NP3 CB method of AOAC.

NP4 Feed Act 1976.


See Australia



NAFDAC: National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control


NG1 National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Decrees: SON (Standards Organisation of Nigeria) Industrial Standard.

NG2 AOAC methods



MHAF: Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Fisheries
SNT: Norwegian Food Control Authority



MCI: Ministry of Commerce and Industry


OM1 Omanian Standard 46/1984 "Annex B: Prescribed Limit for harmful substances in compound animal feeds" Official Gazette 7/2/14054 of 01.11.1984.

OM2 Omanian Standard 48 "Methods of Sampling Animal Feeds".



CBAF: Commodity Board Animal Feedstuffs


NL1 Productschap Diervoeder. Maximale normstelling DON. Besluit Productschap Diervoeder, PDV 2098, PDV, Den Haag, The Netherlands.



MPH: Ministry of Public Health (for processed products)
MA: Ministry of Agriculture (for raw products)



DA-BAI: Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal industry
PHILCOA: Philippine Coconut Authority


PH1 Action Levels for Contaminants in Food; Food, Drug and Devices, and Cosmetics Act (R.A. 3720).

PH2 Inform client-example FAO sampling plan.

PH3 AOAC and Chromatographia.

PH4 Philippine Coconut Authority (PHILCOA), Diliman Quezon City, Phillippines.

Implementing guidelines of board resolution No. 034-91, prohibiting exports of copra meal, copra cake and copra pellets containing aflatoxin level of more than twenty parts per billion (20 ppb). Administrative Order No. 03, series of 1991.



MA: Ministry of Health
MARD: Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development


PL1 Ministry of Health (2001). Regulation of 27 December 2001, Dz.U. No. 9, 72.

PL2 European Commission (1996). National Veterinary Residue Control Plan according to Council Directive 96/23/EC of 29 April 1996 on measures to monitor certain substances and residues thereof in life animals and animal products (organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development).

PL3 Polish Standard (2001). Foodstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B1 and the sum of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in cereals, shell-fruits and derived products - High performance liquid chromatographic method with post column derivatization and immunoaffinity column clean-up. PN-EN-12955.

PL4 Postupolski J, Jankowska B, Urbanek-Kar³owska B (1996). Ocena metody oznaczania aflatoksyn w orzechach arachidowych przy u¿yciu chromatografii powinowactwa immunologicznego z detekcj¹. Roczn. PZH, 47, 3: 277-283.

PL5 Polish Standard (2000). Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal products - Part 1: High performance liquid chromatographic method with silica gel clean up. PN-EN-ISO-15141-1.

PL6 Polish Standard (2000). Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal products - Part 2: High performance liquid chromatographic method with bicarbonate clean up. PN-EN-ISO-15141-2.

PL7 Polish Standard (1997). Apple juice - Apple juice concentrates and drinks containing apple juice - Determination of patulin content - Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography. PN-ISO 8128-1.

PL8 Polish Standard (1997). Apple juice - Apple juice concentrates and drinks containing apple juice - Determination of patulin content - Part 2: Method using thin-layer chromatography. PN-ISO 8128-2.

PL9 Polish Standard (2002). Milk and milk powder - Determination of aflatoxin M1 content - Clean up by immunoaffinity chromatography and determination by high-performance liquid chromatography. RPr. PN-ISO-14501.

PL10 Czerwiecki L (1998). Oznaczanie wybranych mikotoksyn w ¿ywnoœci. Cz. I. Dobór optymalnych warunków oznaczania aflatoksyny M1 w mleku metod¹ wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej. Roczn. PZH, 49, 1: 1-11.

PL11 Polish Standard (1994). Animal feedingstuffs - Aflatoxins admissible content and determination. PN-R-64757.

PL12 Polish Standard (2001). Animal feedingstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B1 content of mixed feedingstuffs - Method using high performance liquid chromatography. PN-ISO-14718.

PL13 Kozak A, Wiœniewska-Dmytrow H, ¯mudzki J (1995). Oznaczanie zawartoœci aflatoksyny B1 w paszach metod¹ immunoenzymatyczn¹ - Ocena testu Ridascreen® Aflatoxin B1. Bromat. Chem. Toksykol. XXVIII, 4: 383-387.

PL14 Polish Standard (1994). Animal feedingstuffs -Aflatoxins admissible content and determination. PN-R-64757.



MS: Ministry of Supply
MH: Ministry of Health
MA: Ministry of Agriculture



KFDA: Korean Food and Drug Administration
MAF: Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry


KR1 Korean Food and Drug Administration (2002). The food Index of Korea: pp 127.

KR2 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (2001). Specification on maximum allowance levels of harmful materials and chemical residues in animal feed: pp 4.

KR3 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [MAF]. Feed Manual.



MH: Ministry of Health


MD1 Medico-biological regulations and sanitary norms of quality for food raw materials and food, approved by USSR Ministry of Health, ur. 5061-89 from 01.08.1989, revised by Russian Federation in 1996 and approved on 06.08.2000 by the Ministry of Health of Moldova.



ISIRI: Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of the Islamic Republic of Iran
MOH: Ministry of Health and Medical Education


IR1 National standard of Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of the Islamic Republic of Iran (ISIRI) [2002]. Maximum tolerated levels of mycotoxins in food and feeds. No. 5925.

IR2 National standard of Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of the Islamic Republic of Iran (ISIRI) [2002]. Code of practice for sampling of pistachio and pistachio kernel for aflatoxin analysis. No. 5197.

IR3 National standard of Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of the Islamic Republic of Iran (ISIRI) [2002]. Code for practice for sampling of agricultural products for aflatoxin analysis. No. 2581.

IR4 National standard of Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of the Islamic Republic of Iran (ISIRI) [2003]. Determination of aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2) in foodstuffs - Immunoaffinity column clean-up with thin-layer chromatography method. No. 6696.

IR5 National standard of Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of the Islamic Republic of Iran (ISIRI) [2003]. Determination of aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2) in foodstuffs - Immunoaffinity column clean-up with high performance liquid chromatography. In Press.

IR6 ISO [1997]. Sampling of milk and milk powder for aflatoxin analysis. No. 707.

IR7 ISO [1998]. Milk and milk powder - Determination of aflatoxin M1 content - clean-up by immunoaffinity column and determination by high performance liquid chromatography. No. 14501.



MAH: Ministry of Agriculture and Health
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


CZ1 Czech Republic Law Collection (2002). Chemical requirements on health unexceptionality of food and food raw materials. Decree No. 53/2002 Coll.

CZ2 Czech Republic Law Collection (2001). Decree No. 339/2001 Coll.

CZ3 Adensam L, Lebedová M, Turek B (1986). Determination of very low concentrations of aflatoxins. Cs. Hyg. 31, 5.

CZ4 AOAC Official Methods of Analysis.

CZ5 Adensam L, Lebedová M, Turek B (1989). Determination of ochratoxin A in children and infant children food. Cs. Hyg. 3, 1.

CZ6 Atelier du Travail International sur l'Ochratoxine A (UNESCO, FAO, IUPAC, ICSU) [1995] de protocoles pour l'analyse de l'ochratoxine A. Tunisie, Sousse, Faculté de Médecine, 14-17.11: 1-28.

CZ7 Manual of the OCHRAPREP® immunoaffinity columns, Rhone-diagnostics technologies Ltd.

CZ8 Manual of the ROMER MycoSepTM DON-Column, Coring System Diagnostics GmbH.

CZ9 Adensam L, Lebedová M, Turek B (1987). Determination of very low concentrations of aflatoxins - Monitoring of aflatoxins in milk for infant children. Cs. Hyg. 32, 6.

CZ10 Ministry of Agriculture (2000). Decree No. 451/2000 Coll.



NFCC: National Food Control Commission of the Ministry of Health


TZ1 The Food (Control of Quality/Importation of Food) Regulations (1982).

TZ2 Sampling of Agricultural Products and their analysis for Aflatoxin Determination Manual (1989) FAO/UNEP/USSR Tanzanian Project FP/7101/86/03, Centre for International Projects, USSR State Committee for Environment Protection, Moscow.

TZ3 AOAC and ROMER Methods.



MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests; National Sanitary Veterinary Agency; Hygiene Institute of Public Veterinary Health


RO1 Health Ministry (1998). Order no. 975/1998, article 100. Official Journal 268/11-06-1999: 47 pp.

RO2 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests (1995). Order no. 186/22-9-2000. Official Journal of Romania no. 179/1995, part 1: 28 pp.

RO3 AOAC Official method 970.44. Standard preparation for mycotoxins through TLC.

RO4 AOAC Official method 977.16. Sampling and preparation of samples for determination of mycotoxins through TLC.

RO5 AOAC Official method 978.15. Aflatoxin B1 in eggs through TLC.

RO6 AOAC Official method 982.96 for aflatoxin M1 determination from liver.

RO7 ELISA test method provided with the kit test.

RO8 AOAC Official method 980.21. M1 aflatoxins in milk and cheese by TLC.

RO9 SR ISO 6651-93. Determination of aflatoxin B1 content from feeds.



FSA via PHA and LAEHTSO: Food Standards Agency via the Port Health Authorities and the Local Authority Environmental Health and Trading Standards Officers.



MC: Ministère du commerce
MPH: Ministère de la santé publique


SE1 Journal Officiel de la République du Sénégal.

SE2 EC-directive 76/372/01.03.1976. Official Journal EC L102/9, 1976.



MPH: Ministry of Public Health
MA: Ministry of Agriculture


YU1 Regulations on amounts of pesticides, metals and other toxic substances, anabolics and other toxic substances, in foodstuff (1992).

YU2 Guide on sampling method for analysis and superanalysis of samples of food and general use items (60/78 - 1980).

YU3 AOAC methods.

YU4 Regulations of maximum permissible concentrations of toxic and harmful ingredients in feedstuff (1990).

YU5 Regulation on sampling method and physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of feed (15/87 - 1987).



AVA: Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority


SG1 Regulation 34 of the Singapore Food Regulations.

SG2 AOAC International, 17th Edition, 990.33.

SG3 J. AOAC (1992), Vol. 3: 481.

SG4 Food & Agricultural Immunology (1990). Vol.2: 189-195.

SG5 JAOAC (1978). Vol. 61, 6: 1359-1362.

SG6 J. Chromatography A (1999). 859: 23-28.

SG7 JAOAC International (1997). 80: 825-828.

SG8 VICAM, ZearalaTest HPLC Document.

SG9 J. Chromatography A (1987). Vol. 407: 393-398.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture
MH: Ministry of Health


SK1 Food Codex of Slovak Republik. Registered in Collection of Laws from 29 June 1996.

SK2 ELISA test [Standard Operating Protocol].



MHHI: Ministry of Health, Health Inspectorate
VARS: Veterinary Administration of Republic Slovenia
MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food


SI-1 Rules on contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ RS 69/2003, 16.07.2003).

SI-2 Immunoaffinity columns, HPLC, Kobra cell (Rhone Diagnostics).

SI-3 AOAC, immunoaffinity columns, HPLC (Rhone Diagnostics).

SI-4 Rules on the Sanitary Suitability of Feedingstuffs (OJ RS 65/2002).

SI-5 Rules on the method of sampling and analysis for the official control of feedingstuffs. (OJ RS 41/2003, 05.05.2003).

SI-6 Rules on the method of analysis for the official control of feedingstuffs (OJ RS 73/2003, 29.07.2003; - in accordance with CD 76/372 EEC and 94/14 EEC).

SI-7 AOAC (1995). 16th Ed. Combination with Romer minicolumns.

SI-8 Easi-Extract Zearalenone, Application of immunoaffinity columns for sample clean-up prior to detection of zearalenone using HPLC analysis, Rhone Diagnostics, EE Zearalenone IFU (RP91v7). Doc 27-10-99.

SI-9 Rood HD et al. (1988). Gas chromatographic screening method for T-2 toxin, DAS, DON and related trichothecenes in feeds. Journal of AOAC 71, 493-498.

SI-10 AOAC (1995). Analysis method for Trichothecenes. DON, 3-Acetyl-DON, 15-Acetyl-DON, FUS X, NIV by TLC, Romer; 3 Toxin Test - Analysis Method for Aflatoxin B1, Zearalenone and Deoxynivalenol, Romer, AOAC, 16th Ed.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture
MH: Ministry of Health


LK1 Food (Labelling & Miscellaneous) Regulations 1993.



SSMO: not given



NFA: National Food Administration
SBA: Swedish Board of Agriculture


SE1 SLVFS 1993:36.

SE2 SLVFS 2002:16, annexes 1 & 2.

SE3 SLVFS 2000:43.

SE4 SLVFS 1993:17, annex 15.



OFCACS: Official Food Control Authorities of the Cantons of Switzerland
EVD: Eidgenössische Volkswirtschaftsdepartement


CH1 Verordnung über Fremd- und Inhaltsstoffe in Lebensmitteln. SR817.021.23 voir

CH2 Verordnung über Probenerhebung von Lebensmitteln und Gebrauchsgegenständen. SR817.94, voir

CH3 Schweizerisches Lebenmittelbuch. Ausgabe 2002, Deutsche Version, Kapitel 54.

CH4 CEN-methods.

CH5 Verordnung des EVD vom 10. Juni 1999 über die Produktion und das Inverkehrbringen von Futternmitteln, Zusatzstoffen für die Tierernährung, Silierungszusätzen und Diätfuttermitteln (Futtermittelbuch-Verordnung, FMBV). SR916.307.1, Artikel 15 und Artikel 17 (Anhang 10, Teil 1, Aflatoxin B1) voir



DH: Department of Health
CA: Council of Agriculture


TW1 Standard for the tolerance of aflatoxin in foods. DOH Food No. 8189322 Announced, 1/4/1993.

TW2 Sanitation Standard for Infant Foods. DOH Food No. 8189322. Announced, 1/4/1993.

TW3 Chinese National Standard, General No. 12925, Classified No. N6233, Method of Test for Grains-Sampling.

TW4 AOAC official method 991.31.

TW5 Lin SS, Lin FM, Fu YM, Shih YC (2002). Survey of Aflatoxins of Peanut Products in Taiwan. Ann. Rept. NLFD Taiwan, R.O.C. 20: 257-262.

TW6 Chinese National Standard, General No. 4090, Classified No. N6097, Method of Test for Aflatoxins in Foods.

TW7 Lin SS, Lai CL, Fu YM, Shih YC. Analysis of ochratoxin A of cereals by Reversed Phase HPLC with fluorescence detector (unpublished).

TW8 AOAC official method 995.10.

TW9 Lai CL, Fu YM, Shih YC (2000). Determination of Mycotoxin Patulin in Apple Juice. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 8 (2): 85-96.

TW10 Journal of AOAC Int. (1995). 78: 705-710.

TW11 Chung YJ, Fu YM. Assay of mycotoxin fumonisins in foods (unpublished).

TW12 Chinese National Standard, General No. 3440, Classified No. 6056, Method of Test for Milk and Milk Products-General Rules.

TW13 Journal of AOAC Int. (2001). 84: 437-443.

TW14 Fu YM (1996). Determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk powder using immuno-affinity column and fluorescence measurement. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 4 (2): 178-183.

TW15 Chinese National Standard, General No. 13631, Classified No. N6282, Method of Test for Milk and Milk Products-Test for Aflatoxins M1 and M2 in Fluid Milk.



MPH-FDA: Ministry of Public Health - Food and Drug Administration


TH1 Notification of Ministry of Public Health No. 98 B.E. 2529. Re: Standard of food containing contaminants.

TH2 Notification of Ministry of Public Health No. 193 B.E. 2543 and its amendment Notification No. 239 B.E. 2544. Re: Prescribing the methods of production, tools and utensils, used in the production and storage of food.



MH: Ministère de la santé
ANCSEP: Agence nationale du contrôle sanitaire et environnemental des produits


TN1 Journal officiel de la République de Tunisie. Standard NT 117.02 - 1985.

TN2 EEC published methods.



MARA: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs


TR1 Turkish Food Codex Regulation. 1997. Official Gazette (16 November 1997) No. 23172: 1-198 and the amendments to this Codex Regulation: Official Gazette (23 September 2002) No. 24885: 29-40.

TR2 AOAC Official Method 999.07 (2000). Aflatoxins and total aflatoxins in peanut butter, pistachio paste, fig paste and paprika powder. Immunoaffinity column-liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization. First action 1999. J AOAC Int. 83: 320.

TR3 AOAC Official Method 2000.16. Aflatoxin B1 in Baby Food. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis; Chapter 49: 37.

TR4 ISO 14501. Milk and milk powder. Determination of aflatoxin M1 content; clean-up by immunoaffinity chromatography and determination by high-performance liquid chromatography. First edition 1998-11-15.

TR5 Entwisle C, et al. (2000). Liquid Chromatographic Method with Immunoaffinity Column Cleanup for Determination of Ochratoxin A in Barley. AOAC Official Method 2000.03. J. AOAC Int. 83: 1377.

TR6 Ochratest. Procedure for Currants and Raisins. Vicam Ochratest. HPLC Procedure.

TR7 ISO 8128-1 (1993). Apple juice, apple juice concentrates and drinks containing apple juice. Determination of patulin content. Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography.

TR8 MAFF-UK. Survey of Aflatoxin M1 in Retail Milk and Milk Products. CSL Food Science Laboratory. Norwich Research Park, Colney. Norwich NR4 7UQ. Report No. FD 94/98A.

TR9 Official Gazette (1991). (5 August 1991) No. 20982.

TR10 Stroka J, Von Holst C, Anklam E (2003). Immunoaffinity Column Cleanup with Liquid Chromatography Using Post-Column Bromination for Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Cattle Feed: Collaborative Study. AOAC Official Method 2000.02. J. AOAC Int 86: 1179-1186.



MHP: Ministry of Health Protection
SDVM: State Department of Veterinary Medicine
(Ministry of Agricultural Policy)


UA1 The order of the Ministry of Health of USSR No. 5061-89. Medical and biological requirements and sanitary norms of the quality of food raw materials and ready products.

UA2 The order of the Ministry of Agricultural Complex of Ukraine, State Department of Veterinary Medicine No. 16 from 03.11.1998. On approval of the mandatory minimal list of tests of the materials, products of animal and plant origin, raw materials for animal combined feed, vitamins etc. to be conducted by the state laboratories of veterinary medicine and as a result of which the veterinary document F2 is issued.

UA3 Ministry of Health - The issuing agency (2001). Temporary hygienic norms for the contents of chemical and biological contaminants in the biologically active additives. No. TH

UA4 Ministry of Health of USSR. Methodology recommendations for detection, identification and determination of contents of aflatoxins in food products. No. 2273-80.

UA5 Ministry of Health of USSR. Methodology recommendations for detection, identification and determination of contents of patulin in fruit and vegetable juices and puree. No. 2655-82.

UA6 Ministry of Health of USSR. Methodology recommendations for detection, identification and determination of contents of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) in grain and grain products. No. 3940-84.

UA7 Ministry of Health of USSR. Methodology recommendations for detection, identification and determination of contents of T-2 toxin in food products and food raw materials. No. 3184-84.

UA8 Ministry of Health of USSR. Methodology recommendations for detection, identification and determination of contents of zearalenone in food products. No. 2964-84.

UA9 Ministry of Health of USSR. Methodology recommendations for detection, identification and determination of aflatoxins in food raw materials and food products by means of high performance liquid chromatography. No. 4082-86.



TLU: Technological Laboratory of Uruguay
MSP: Ministerio de Salud Pública
MGAP: Ministerio de Ganaderiá Agricultura y Pesca


UY1 Decreto 315/994. Reglamento Bromatológico Nacional (1994) page 99, 100A, 283, 302A, 336A.

UY2 Decreto 315/994. Reglamento Bromatológico Nacional (1994) page 99, 100A.

UY3 Decreto 533/001. Ministerio de Salud Pública (2001).

UY4 AOAC (2000). 970.45

UY5 AOAC (2000). 993.17.

UY6 Journal of AOAC International (1994). 77:1518.

UY7 AOAC (2000). 974.18.

UY8 AOAC (2000). 986.17.

UY9 AOAC (2000). 985.18.

UY10 Resoluciones 26 dic. 2001, 7 February 2002, 28. Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca (2002).

UY11 Decreto 737/986. Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca (1986).

UY12 Fajardo JE, Dexter JE, Roscoe MM, Nowicki TW (1995). Retention of Ergot Alkaloids in Wheat during Processing. Cereal Chem 72 (3): 291-298.



EU1 Commission Directive 2003/13/EC of 10 February 2003 amending Directive 96/5/EC on processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children. Official J. European Union L 41 (2003) 33-36.

EU2 Commission Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 of 8 March 2001 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Official J. European Commun. L 77 (2001) 1-13.

EU3 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2174/2003 of 12 December 2003 amending Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 as regards aflatoxins. Official J. European Union L 326 (2003) 12-15.

EU4 Commission Regulation (EC) No 472/2002 of 12 March 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Official J. European Commun. L 75 (2002) 18-20.

EU5 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1425/2003 of 11 August 2003 amending Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 as regards patulin. Official J. European Union L 203 (2003) 1-3.

EU6 Draft Commission Recommendation on the reduction of the presence of deoxynivalenol in cereals and cereal products. SANCO/1925/00-rev-1 pp. 5.

EU7 Commission Directive 98/53/EC of 16 July 1998 laying down the sampling methods and the methods for analysis for the official control of the levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Official J. European Commun. L 201 (1998) 93-101.

EU8 Commission Directive 2002/27/EC of 13 March 2002 amending Directive 98/53/EC laying down the sampling methods and the methods of analysis for the official control of the levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Official J. European Commun. L 75 (2002) 44-45.

EU9 Commission Directive 2002/26/EC of 13 March 2002 laying down the sampling methods and the methods of analysis for the official control of the levels of ochratoxin A in foodstuffs. Official J. European Commun. L 75 (2002) 38-43.

EU10 Commission Directive 2003/78/EC of 11 August 2003 laying down the sampling methods and the methods of analysis for the official control of the levels of patulin in foodstuffs. Official J. European Union L 203 (2003) 40-44.

EU11 Commission Recommendation of 11 August 2003 on the prevention and reduction of patulin contamination in apple juice and apple juice ingredients in other beverages. Official J. European Union L 203 (2003) 54-59.

EU12 Commission Directive 2003/100/EC of 31 October 2003 amending Annex I to Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on undesirable substances in animal feed. Official Journal of the European Union L 285 (2003) 33-37.

EU13 Council Directive 1999/29/EC of 22 April 1999 on the undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition. Official J. European Commun. L 115 (1999) 32- 46.

EU14 EC-directive 76/371/01.03.1976. Official J. European Commun. L 102 (1976) 8.

EU15 Seventh Commission Directive of 1 March 1976 establishing Community methods of analysis for the official control of feedingstuffs. EC-Directive 76/372/EEC. Official J. European Commun. L 102 (1976) 9-18.

EU16 Commission Directive 92/95 EEC of November 9, 1992 amending the Annex of the Seventh Directive (76/372/EEC) establishing Community methods of analysis for the official control of feeding stuffs. Official J. European Commun. L 327 (1992) 54-62.



VZ1 AOAC [Title, source, page]

VZ2 AOAC [Title, source, page]



MH: Ministry of Health
MARD: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development


VN1 Ministry of Health (1998). List of hygiene standard of foodstuffs issued with the Decision No. 867/1998/QDD-BYT dated 4/4/1998: 55.

VN2 Ministry of Health. Vietnam Standards, Normal Rule.


VN4 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Normal Rule



MCI: Ministry of Commerce and Industry
DGSS: Directorate General of Standards & Specifications


YE1 AOAC Official Methods (2000). Detection of Natural Toxins. Chapter 49.



MA: Ministry of Agriculture


ZW1 Government Gazette no. 4959- 16.01.1976.

Tableau 4: Valeurs médianes et intervalles de variation des niveaux maximaux tolérés en 1995 et 2003 (µg/kg) de certaines aflatoxines (groupes d'aflatoxines) et nombre de pays disposant de réglementations pertinentes



ensemble aflatoxine/substrat

valeur médiane(mg/kg)

intervalle de variation(mg/kg)


valeur médiane(mg/kg)

intervalle de variation(mg/kg)


afla B1 dans les produits d'alimentation humaine


0 - 30



1 - 20


afla B1+B2+G1+G2 dans les produits d'alimentation humaine


0 - 50



0 - 35


afla M1 dans le lait


0 - 1



0.05 - 15


afla B1 dans les produits d'alimentation animale


5 - 50



5 - 50


afla B1+B2+G1+G2 dans les produits d'alimentation animale


0 - 1 000



0 - 50


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