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Enterobacter sakazakiicase reports and outbreaks involving infants as reported in the peer-reviewed English literature


Karl Klontz[17]

Formula associated infectionEnterobacter sakazakiiand Salmonella - Recent CDC experience


Chris Braden

Industry practices and standards: The management of Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae


Jean-Louis Cordier

Thermal resistance and other characteristics of Enterobacter sakazakii


Robert Buchanan

Proposed draft revision of the recommended international code of hygienic practice for foods for infants and children


Jeffrey Farber

Canadian situation and approaches to addressing the issues related to powdered infant formula


Jeffrey Farber

Powdered infant formula industry practices and standards in the United States of America


Daniel March

Marketing and preparation of powdered infant formula


Hildegard Przyrembel

Practical considerations for risk based calculations for powdered infant formula


Marcel Zwietering

Risk assessment of Enterobacter sakazakiiand Salmonellain powdered infant formula: a discussion document


Prepared by Arie Havelaar[18]
Presented by Greg Paoli

Enterobacter sakazakii in Israel: Summary


Colin Block

Overview of powdered infant formula production, consumption, microbiological data and associated public health problems in the Philippines


Celia Carlos

Bacterial contamination of infant food formula in Bangladesh and the region


G. Balakrish Nair

Neonatal infections due to Enterobacter sakazakiiin the Netherlands, 1975-2002


Harry Muytjens

Microbiological safety of infant formula and related dairy ingredients: summary of information from Australia


Martin Cole

Overview of powdered infant formula production, consumption, criteria, microbiological data and associated public health problems in Japan


Shizunobu Igimi

[17] Video presentation.
[18] Convened an electronic discussion group that addressed risk assessment approaches but unavailable to participate in the meeting.

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