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The main objective of the Consultative Group on Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is to foster collaboration among the various stakeholders on CBPP disease management and provide the technical platform for discussions and policy direction for adaptive research relating to various aspects of CBPP disease. The Third Consultative Group meeting held in Rome, Italy from 12 to 14 November 2003, was attended by a wide array of CBPP experts from field veterinary services, diagnostic laboratories, policy-makers, international partner institutions, research and international reference laboratories and FAO Animal Production and Health staff. This report provides an account of the technical presentations made at the meeting, summaries of discussions held, and recommendations from participants. Progress made with diagnostic tests that could facilitate CBPP disease surveillance, research advances that may be useful in clarifying the epidemiology of the disease, aspects of CBPP vaccine development, as well as discussions on control options for CBPP, are reported in the proceedings.

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