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The Expert Consultation on the Role of Small-scale Fisheries in Poverty Alleviation and Food Security was held in Rome, Italy, from 5 to 8 July 2004.

The list of experts and other participants in the meeting is shown in Appendix B. The documents which were before the Expert Consultation are listed in Appendix D.

The meeting was called to order by Mr Ichiro Nomura, Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department, who delivered the opening statement. The text of his statement is reproduced in Appendix E.

Dr John Kurien served as Chairman of the Consultation.

The agenda shown in Appendix A was adopted by the Expert Consultation. The background and objectives of the Consultation are given in the Prospectus of the Consultation which is provided in Appendix C.

The Expert Consultation (EC) had before it a background paper that had been prepared by a team of consultants. The EC agreed that the background paper should be developed and improved, and subsequently published as a Fisheries Technical Paper, and should also serve as guidance for the preparation of the envisaged Technical Guidelines document mandated by COFI.

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