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Arnason, R. 1991. Efficient Management of Ocean Fisheries, European Economic Review 35(2-3): 408-417.

FAO. 1992. The State of Food and Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.

Hannesson, R. 1993. Opening Address. In: Innovations in Fisheries Management. Bergen, Norway: Foundation for Research in Economics and Business Administration. SNF Report 96/93, pp. 1-5.

Sachs, J.D. & Warner, A.M. 1995. Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 5398, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge Massachusetts.

Tietze, U., Prado, J., Le Ry, J.-M., & Lasch, R. 2001.Techno-economic performance of marine capture fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 421. Rome, FAO. 79p.

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