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Workshop on the fisheries sector tax system and its role as a management tool: mauritania

Chérif Ould Toueileb[1]


Physical environment


Economic importance

Fishery policy within the Centre de recherches sur les politiques économiques (CSLP) macroeconomy framework

1998 Fishing policy

The tax system as a management tool
Three tax system levels, viz.:

Income management

From 1984 to 1995: access regulation system based on:

Taxation on turnover.

The role of the tax system in public fishery resources management policies in Mauritania.

From 1996 to 2003: regulation system based on:

Taxation on capacity elements.

Strengths and weaknesses of current system.

The role of the tax system in public fishery resources management policies in Mauritania.

A few findings on the expert study carried out

Development of comparative results of both systems

Findings on the sector's situation

Current comments and future prospects

[1] Directeur des études et de l'aménagement des ressources halieutiques. Ministère des pêches, Nouakchott. E-mail: [email protected].

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