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The Support unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research conceived and organized an international workshop on fiscal reform for fisheries, which was hosted by FAO from 13 to 15 October 2003 in Rome, Italy. A key goal of the workshop was to discuss the best use of fiscal methods to achieve both fisheries policy objectives and broader economic, social and environmental objectives.

This supplement to the Report of the Workshop and Exchange of Views on Fiscal Reforms for Fisheries - to Promote Growth, Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Management No. 732 presents a compilation of country papers prepared by workshop participants - all key policy-makers from ministries of finance and fisheries, and researchers in their countries of origin. The country papers are based both on personal experience and secondary material, and provide an overview of the following: (i) experience with fishery fiscal reforms focusing on international and national levels of fisheries policy and governance; (ii) experience of fisheries access agreements within effective fiscal policy and management regimes; (iii) challenges facing implementation of fiscal reform and how these may have been tackled including the need for more information; and (iv) areas where improvements can be made.

Country papers presented in this supplement provided the basis to discussions at the workshop.

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