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1. Lahsen Ababouch, Chief, Fish Utilization and Marketing Service, FAO, welcomed participants on behalf of the FAO, explained the purpose of the Expert Consultation and expressed his thanks to those who had prepared presentations for discussion. Roland Wiefels welcomed the experts on behalf of INFOPESCA expressing best wishes and his expectations for a successful meeting. Participants presented themselves providing information on their professional background and relation to the subjects of the Expert Consultation.

2. The coordinator of the background paper "World fish trade, demand forecasts and regulatory framework", Erhard Ruckes, provided a summary of the paper highlighting main points of importance for the deliberations of the Expert Consultation with a tentative list of issues on which participants may wish to comment and possibly express recommendations. It was explained that the list was not to be considered comprehensive nor did it present a priority ranking.

3. Following a short explanation of FAO's way of working in the context of the list of issues, industry experts informed about their perceptions of FAO which was seen as a large and reliable knowledge base. Furthermore, the organization's expertise in developing countries was very much appreciated. Industry had a strong interest in FAO as a serious advisor which assures it to be appropriately informed and guided. In particular, FAO and the FISH INFONetwork's capacity to disseminate information to a large number of small operators in developing countries and to encourage the application of appropriate technologies were mentioned as pertinent capabilities.

4. It was suggested to explore ways for further collaboration with the private sector, considering the creation of cooperative arrangements between FAO and industry and its supporting institutions and associations.

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