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The authors would like to acknowledge their immense gratitude to the people in the rural areas of Ethiopia, Namibia, Zambia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, South Africa and Malawi who have participated in the field implementation of the Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal process described in this handbook. This publication would not have seen the light of day without the participation and encouraging, but often critical, comments from these people. They would also like to thank all the rural development workers, extension staff, health educators, media producers and trainers who have participated in The Action Programme for Communication Skills Development of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Centre of Communication for Development which has inspired this work.

A special thank you to the following persons who have greatly contributed to specific sections of the handbook: Francis Chirunga, Claudia Chambers, Tony Johnston, Colletah A. Chitsike, Bekezela Dube, Majorie Gova, Barbara Kaim, Saiti Makuku, Sam Chimbuya, Pauline Hobane Maphosa, Margaret Simbi, Simon Willby, Gary Coldevin, Nonto Nabane, Lucia Mutowo, Peter D'Huys, Joel Chikware, Vuli Sibanda and Eddington Mhonda. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of Julian Watson, a publishing consultant who assisted in the initial compilation of the course materials. In the same vein, the handbook has drawn on many written sources both published and unpublished. These are listed in the bibliography and the authors take this opportunity to thank the writers.

The authors extend a special thank you to all the staff members and collaborators of the SADC Centre of Communication for Development and those who have developed the FAO Regional Project Communication for Development in Southern Africa (GCP/RAF/297/ITA), and contributed to the creation of the Centre, especially, Philippe Van der Stichele, Silvia Balit, JeanPierre Ilboudo, Christopher Kamlongera, Linda Manasa, Jonathan Villet and Osvaldo Lingua. The authors would like to acknowledge the technical guidance given by FAO Extension, Education and Communication Services in the implementation of the SADC Centre of Communication for Development and to the preparation of this handbook. A special thank you to Mario Acunzo, Communication for Development Officer at FAO who took care of this second edition.

Finally, the authors, the SADC Centre of Communication for Development and FAO acknowledge the valuable contribution of the Government of Italy, Directorate General for Development Cooperation. Their generous support is gratefully appreciated.

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