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In order to better exploit the results of the study, different activities have been identified for implementation at various levels. Responsibilities have also been defined with a view to facilitating implementation.

8.1 Regional level

Priority actions defined at this level are the following:

(a) Editing, publication and distribution of the synthesis of the study in all countries

Objectives: Foster wider awareness of the results of the study in all countries, both those involved in SFLP and others.

Strategies: Editing and publication in various formats: Document on paper, CD-ROM and posted on the Web.

Period/Time Frame: July - September 2002.

Responsibility: USR - Cotonou

(b) Sharing lessons of the study in other countries associated with the Programme by organizing two to three subregional seminars.

Objectives: To share study results and consider the implications in terms of actions to be undertaken to improve the contribution of research institutions to SLs of fishing communities. These workshops could be held with the support of subregional or international networks.

Participants: Representatives of the 19 other countries (research, support and dissemination structures, decision-makers, representatives of professional fisheries organizations, NGOs, individuals, etc.).

Duration of each seminar: Two (02) days.

Period/Time Frame: September - October 2002.

Responsibility: USR - Cotonou.

(c) Identification of priority actions to be implemented in different countries

Objective: Enable the implementation of priority actions identified in the framework of the study.

Strategies: This activity will comprise two stages: the first being devoted to the choice of priority actions for implementation by each country and the second focusing on arbitration (on the basis of means and concerns) at the regional level by the RSU and the country-interest groups.

Period/Time Frame: October - December 2002.

Responsibilities: USR - Cotonou.

8.2 For countries having participated in the study

The following priority actions are to be foreseen:

(a) Editing and publication of national reports

Objectives: To encourage a wider dissemination of the study results in the countries that participated in the study.

Strategies: Editing and publication as a paper document.

Period/Time Frame: July 2002.

Responsibilities: NCU of each of the six countries.

(b) Preparation and transmission of the “Note to Decision-Makers” on the implications of the study

Objective: This note, a preliminary draft of which was prepared by countries at the validation seminar, is intended to facilitate a better grasp and a correct assessment of the outcomes of the study in each country.

Strategy: It is directed at different categories of decision-makers with the intention of engendering necessary changes or transformations. These notes would therefore serve as a foundation for the identification of priority actions, the determination of strategies to exploit the outcomes of the study, and for the implementation of priority actions identified in each country by research partners.

Time Frame: By the end of July 2002

Responsibilities: Each focal fisheries research institution and the NCU.

(c) Organization of national reflection on the implications of the study

Objective: To permit the identification of priority actions for the countries and to reflect on modalities of implementation and the responsibilities of each actor. These national workshops will be an occasion to discuss the sequel to the “Note for Decision-Makers” and the strategy to be adopted.

Participants: Each national meeting will bring together actors involved in the execution of the study (maximum of 30 participants) (research, support and dissemination structures, bodies and development projects, representatives of professionals, NGOs, individuals, etc.).

Period/Time Frame: September - October 2002

Duration: Two days.

Responsibilities: NCU of each country.

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