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Methodology and Outputs: Annex 1

1. The different outputs expected from each national study

i) Identification of key livelihood groups in the small-scale fishing industry in each country, their strategies and the vulnerability context within which they are evolving. Presentation of socio-professional organizations in the small-scale fisheries sector.

ii) Identification of various research providers in the small-scale fisheries sector and an analysis of their performances including key factors affecting the contribution of service providers to the SLs of communities making a living from artisanal fisheries.

iii) Case studies prioritizing lessons from experiences in collaboration between fisheries research and small-scale fishing communities.

iv) Analysis of the influence of PIPs in research on sustainable livelihoods of small-scale fishing communities and alleviation of their poverty, as well as prospects for better contribution of research to PIPs.

v) National Summary Report resuming the elements referred to below, and integrating suggestions for actions to improve links between research and users in the sector.

2. Indicative methods for data collection in the framework of the SFLP study on the Research-User link


Examples of themes or data to collect (see the analytical table)

Targets focused

Secondary data/Review of literature

All themes - identification of groups (“Livelihood groups”)

Not applicable

Semi-structured Interviews (SSI) with key indicators from a pre-established interview-guide

Identification of groups, roles and research structures, case studies on liaison or partnerships, PIP, etc.

Respondents at ministerial departmental level, research institutions or organizations, representatives of NGOs, the private sector, etc.

SSI and group discussions («Focus Group»)

Details on the research systems, partnerships, PIP, etc.

Communities/Population groups using fisheries resources, processors, traders, etc.

Other PRA tools if required to obtain information on case studies. E.g. Venn Diagram, Impact Matrix, wealth classification, etc.

Case studies on partnerships, relative importance of links between institutions, impact of research on livelihoods, identification of links between the poor and research.

Communities, local organizations, livelihood groups, traders, fishermen, processors, both men and women, etc.

Methodology for analysis SFLP/Framework for analysis


Various targets

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