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Terms of reference for the Study: Annex 5

Activities foreseen in the framework of the study of linkages between research and users of fisheries resources.

1. Evaluate the available research potential, its development in the course of the last few years and its possible contribution to SLA;

2. Identify the skills and research in traditional knowledge bases and resource management;

3. Study the impact of Policies, Institutions and Processes (PIP) in the area of research into fishing community livelihoods, using the methodology developed by SFLP, and highlighting the participation of actors in the decision-making process including management;

4. Analyse the links which exist between research, public policies and communities totally or partially dependent on fisheries;

5. Evaluate the contribution of research, including social science based research, on the decision-making process, in fisheries management and the improvement of fishing community livelihoods;

6. Analyse the linkages existing between fisheries research institutes and other institutions conducting research in social sciences (research centres, NGOs, universities etc);

7. Make a diagnosis of the problems facing research in the context of improving fishing community livelihoods, and identifying options for improvement;

8. On the basis of the results of work conducted in each country, prepare proposals for activities to strengthen the contribution of research to poverty alleviation in small-scale fishing communities;

9. Organize a review and validation workshop on the outcomes of the study.

The review workshop bringing together the six countries covered will permit a comparison of the outcomes of different countries and bring activities to a close. This workshop will bring together representatives of technical ministries and research, decision-makers, representatives of the profession and NGOs.

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