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القسم الرابع

قائمة بجهات الاتصال الخاصة بالدستور[34]



Commission nationale Gabonaise de la FAO

Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage et du développement rural

B.P. 511


Phone:    +241 763835

Fax:         +241 728 275


The Director of Agriculture

Department of Agriculture

Ministry of Agriculture

Central Bank Building

Buckle Street


Fax:         +220 228998           +220 227994


H.E. Bakur Guloa

Minister of Agriculture and Food

41 Kostava Str.

380023 Tbilisi


Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

Rochusstrasse 1

D-53123 Bonn-Duisdorf

Phone:    +49 228 529 4655

Fax:         +49 228 941 4842

Email:      [email protected]


The Director

Ghana Standards Board

P.O. Box M-245


Phone:    +233 21 500 065

Fax:         +233 21 500 092


Direction of Processing, Standardization and Quality Control of Agricultural Products of Vegetable Origin

Ministry of Agriculture

2 Acharnon St.

104 32 Athens

Phone:    +30 1 5246364

Fax:         +30 1 5240955

Telex:      221701 YGDP GR


Director, Grenada Bureau of Standards

Tyrrel Street

St. George's

Phone:    +854 440 5886

Fax:         +854 440 4115


Jefe, Area de Inocuidad de los Alimentos

 Unidad de Normas y Regulaciones

Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación

7a Avenida 12-90, Zona 13

Guatemala C.A.

Phone:    +502 475 3058

Fax:         +502 475 3054

Email:      [email protected]


M. le Directeur

Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Métrologie

B.P. 1639


Phone:    +224 41 28 16         +224 41 35 03

Fax:         +224 41 39 90

غينيا بيساو

Ministère du développement rural et de l'agriculture

B.P. 71

1011 Bissau Codex

Fax:         +245 212 617          +245 221 019



Guyana National Bureau of Standards

P.O. Box 10926


Phone:    +592 2 77841          +592 2 77890

Fax:         +592 2 77890

                Cable:     GUYSTAN


M. Raymond Tardieu

Direction – normalisation et contrôle de la qualité

Ministère du commerce

8, rue Légitime, Champ de Mars



Dra Sonia Benitez

Punto de Contacto del Codex en Honduras

Dirección General de Regulación y Desarrollo Institucional

Secretaria de Salud

c/o Representación FAO en Honduras

A.P. 1808


Phone:    +504 2369346         +504 2367321

Fax:         +504 2367124

Email:      [email protected]


Dr. Mária Váradi

Scientific Deputy Director

Central Food Research Institute (KEKI)

 P.O. Box 393 (Herrman Ottó út 15)

H-1536 Budapest 9

Phone:    +36 1 355 8982

Fax:         +36 1 355 9853       +36 1 355 8928

Email:      [email protected]


Mr. J. Gislason

Chief of Division

Environmental and Food Agency

Office of Food and Hygiene

P.O. Box 8080

108 Reykjavik

Phone:    +354 1 688848

Fax:         +354 1 681896


Dr. S.R. Gupta

Assistant Director General (PFA) and Liaison Officer, National Codex Committee

Directorate General of Health Services

Nirman Bhavan

New Delhi 110 011

Phone:    +91 11 3012290

Fax:         +91 11 3012290

Email:      [email protected]

Telex:      31 66119 DGHS IN


Director General

BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional

(National Standardization Agency)

Manggala Wanabakti Block IV, 4th floor

Jl. Jnd. Gatot Subroto, Senayan

Jakarta 10270

Phone:    +62 21 574 7043     +62 21 574 7044

Fax:         +62 21 574 7045

Email:      [email protected]

جمهورية إيران الإسلامية

Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran

Ministry of Industries

P.O. Box 15875-4618


Fax:         +98 21 8802276      +98 261 25015

Telex:      215442 STAN IR


المنظمة المركزية للتوحيد القياسي ومراقبة النوعية

وزارة التخطيط

ص.ب. 13032

بغداد الجادرية

تليفون: + 964 1 7765180/7765181/7765182

فاكس: + 964 1 7765781

تيلكس: 213505 COSQC IK



Mr.Richard Howell

Food and Research Group

Department of Agriculture and Food

7C Kildare Street

Dublin 2

Phone:    +353 1 607 2572

Fax:         +353 1 661 62 63

Email:      [email protected]


Mr. Lazar VOLMAN

Citrus Products Board

Karlibach St. 29

67132 Tel Aviv

Phone:    +972 3 5612323

Fax:         +972 3 5612327


Dott.ssa B. Lo Turco

Segreteria, Comitato Nazionale Italiano per il Codex Alimentarius

Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali - D.G. delle Politiche Comunitarie e Internazionali

Via XX Settembre 20

00187 Rome

Phone:    +39 06 4880273      +39 06 46655016

Fax:         +39 06 4880273

Email:      [email protected]


Bureau of Standards

6 Winchester Road

P.O. Box 113

Kingston 10

Phone:    +876 926 3140 6     +876 968 2063 71

Fax:         +876 929 4736

Email:      [email protected]

Telex:      2291 STANBUR JA


Mr Kouichi Shida

Codex Contact Point for Japan

Director, Office of Resources

Policy Division

Science and Technology Policy Bureau

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo 100-8959

Phone:    +81 3 5253 4111

Fax:         +81 3 3581 4420

Email:      [email protected]


اللجنة الوطنية للدستور الغذائي

مديرية المعايير

وزارة الصناعة والتجارة

ص.ب. 2019


[34]          تخضع هــذه القائمـة لتغيـيرات متكررة. تخطر جهات الاتصال للبلدان العضو الجديــدة برسالة دوريــة. وتــوزع القوائــم المنقحـة على فترات منتظمة، وتظهر أحدث المعلومات في صفحة الهيئة على شبكة الانترنت على العنوان التالي:

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