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Hofman, C. 2004.
Measuring the impact of humanitarian aid: a review of current practice. Humanitarian Policy Group Research Briefing Number 15, United Kingdom: ODI.;

FAO, 2004a. highlight_42550.html

FAO, 2004b.
FAO follow up to Security Council Resolution 1325: input into the UN Secretary-General's report to the Security Council on 'Women, Peace and Security'. FAO, Rome.

FAO, 2004c.

FAO, 2004d.
Information note: gender mainstreaming in emergency operations and post-conflict reconstruction. OECD/DAC Meeting on gender in post-conflict reconstruction, held in Paris (2003) and New York (2004).

FAO, 2003a.
Participation: Sharing our resources. Resource CD on Participatory Approaches and Methods.

FAO, 2003b.
Strategy for gender mainstreaming and women's empowerment in agricultural production and household food security in Iraq. FAO, SEAGA Programme. Rome.

FAO, 2003c.
FAO contribution to the report of the UN Secretary General on the situation of and assistance to Palestinian women.

UNDP, 2003.
Human development report: millennium development goals (MDGs): a compact among nations to end human poverty. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19- 521915-5

Graham, A. 2001.
Gender mainstreaming guidelines for disaster management programmes, a principled socio economic and gender analysis approach. UNDAW and ISDR. Report No. EGM/NATDIS/2001/EP.1, p26. uments/EP1-2001Oct22.pdf

FAO, 2001a.
Passport to mainstreaming a gender perspective in emergency programmes. pp. 33. Written by Graham, A., Sisto, I. & Bloom, G. FAO/WFP, Italy.

FAO, 2001b.
Module 8: Targeting. In: Socio Economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Guidelines for Emergency and Rehabilitation Programmes, FAO/WFP, Italy.

ISNAR, 2001.
Gender analysis for monitoring and evaluation: the engendered logframe approach, a training manual by the International Service for National Agricultural Research.

FAO, 1999.
Population, poverty and vulnerability: mitigating the effects of natural disasters. Written by Martine, G. & Miguel Guzman, J. Rome, Mexico.

Frankenberger, T. 1992.
Indicators and data-collection methods for Assessing Household Food Security. In Maxwell and Frankenberger: Household food security: concepts, indicators, measurements, a technical review. Jointly sponsored by UNICEF and IFAD.

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