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Sunday 30 November 2003

5.30 to 7.30pm

Welcome and registration, Millennium Hotel, Queenstown

Monday 1 December 2003




Delegates assemble in Conference Room for the Maori welcome ceremony or powhiri. The powhiri removes the tapu of the Manuhiri (visitors) to make them one with the Tangata Whenua (home people). It is a gradual process of the Manuhiri and the Tangata Whenua coming together.


Powhiri and welcome addresses from:
His Worship Clive Geddes - Queenstown Lakes District Mayor
Mr Dave Sharp - New Zealand Seafood Industry Council Ltd
Dr Changchui He - United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
Rt. Hon. Damien O'Connor


Setting the Scene
Presentations on perspectives of the major issues facing the governance and management of deep sea fisheries by:
Rt Hon Simon Upton - OECD Round Table on Sustainable Development
Mr Alastair Macfarlane - New Zealand Seafood Industry Council Ltd
Mr Matt Gianni - Environmental Consultant
Dr Wendy Craik - Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Mr Michael Lodge - International Seabed Authority
Mr Volker Kuntzsch - Unilever

Theme 1: Environment, Ecosystem Biology, Habitat and Diversity, Oceanography

Chair - Dr Andy Rosenberg - University of New Hampshire, USA.

Keynote - Dr John Gordon - Environmental and biological aspects of deep-water demersal fishes.


1.1 - Carter, L. & M. Clark - Form, flow and fisheries - seeking the relationships between bathymetry, oceanography and fisheries.

1.2 Thresher, R. - What the coral told us: scales of oceanographic variability relevant to deep water fisheries.

1.3 - Williams, A., B. Barker, R. Kloser, N. Bax & A. Butler - A seascape perspective for managing deep-sea habitats.

1.4 - Uiblien, F., M. Youngbluth, C. Jacoby, F. Pages, M. Picheral & G. Gorsky - In situ observations of deep-water fishes in four canyons off the Georges Bank, NW Atlantic

1.5 - Belyaev, V.A. & V.B. Darnitsky - The effect of seamounts and above-water archipelagos on ecosystems of the Pacific Ocean


1.6 - Bergstad, O. & T. Falkenhaug - Patterns and processes of the ecosystems of the northern mid-Atlantic (MAR-ECO) - an international census of marine life project on deep sea biodiversity

1.7 - Yarincik, K. - The Census of Marine Life: Providing basic science to the user-community

5:15 - 6:15pm

Poster session


Leave Millennium Hotel for Welcome Dinner at Gibbston Valley Winery hosted by Austral Fisheries Pty, Australia

Tuesday 2 December



Theme 2: Population and Resource Assessment

Chair - Dr John McKoy - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand

Keynote - Dr Andre Punt - The challenges of and future prospects for assessing deep water marine resources: experiences from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.


2.1 - Large, P. & O. Bergstad - Deep-water fisheries resources in the Northeast Atlantic: Fisheries, state of knowledge on biology and ecology and recent developments in stock assessment and management.

2.2 - Japp, D. & A. James - Potential exploitable deepwater resources and exploratory fishing off the South African coast and the development of the deepwater fishery on the South Madagascar Ridge.

2.3 - Clark, M. - Counting deepwater fish: challenges for estimating the abundance of orange roughy in New Zealand fisheries.


2.4 - Machete, M., R. Ahrens, T. Gomes & G. Menezes. - Modelling the distribution of some fish species in seamounts of the Azores.

2.5 - Clarke, M. - A life history approach to the assessment of deepwater species in the Northeast Atlantic.

2.6 - De Olivera, E., Bez N., Duhamel, G. - Local fishing efficiencies estimated from observers' recordings of Patagonian tooth fish.

2.7 - Girad, M., K. Mahe, E. Aubert & A. Biseau - Preliminary results of a research programme carried out in close collaboration between scientists and fishermen.

Theme 3: Harvesting and Conservation Strategies for Resource Management

Chair - Dr Keith Sainsbury - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

Keynote - Dr Andy Rosenberg - Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - the challenges of managing deep sea living marine resources.

Second Keynote - Mr Simon Cripps - Conservation of deep-sea fish stocks and ecosystems.


3.2 - Butterworth, D. & A. Brandao A., - Experiences in Southern Africa in the management of deep-sea fisheries

3.3 - Constable, A. & S. Nichol - CCAMLR: a case study for ecosystem-based management.

3.4 - Francis, C., V. Haist & K. Stokes - Management strategy evaluation can help fishery managers and industry.


3.5 - Boutillier, J. & G. Gillespie - combining 2 papers - A phased approach to fishery development in the Deep Sea, and A Case study for Tanner Crab.

3.6 - Rivas, D. - The challenges for management of the orange roughy fishery in Chile.

3.7 - Gunn, J. & R. Cade - Ecological risk assessment, New Zealand hoki fishery.

3.8 - Bax, N., R. Tilzey, K. Sainsbury, J. Lyle, T. Smith & S. Wayte - Deepwater orange roughy fisheries.

Theme 4:

Technology Requirements


Chair - Mr Ian Knuckey - Fishwell Consulting Ltd, Australia

Keynote - Dr Amos Barkai - Use and abuse of data in fishery management.

4.1 - Kloser, R. - Observation technologies for sustainable deepwater orange roughy fisheries.

4.2 - Hampton, I., M. Soule & G. Clement - Use of commercial vessels for the acoustic estimation of orange roughy biomass on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand.


Poster session


Kiwi Country Night dinner hosted by the Hoki Management Company, Squid Management Company and Orange Roughy Management Company

Wednesday 3 December



Continuation of Theme 4

4.3 - McClatchie, S., R. Coombs, G. Macaulay, A. Dunford & R. Barr - Review of the recent advances in deep seas fisheries acoustic surveys.

4.4 - Segura, M., M. Ramirez, A. Guardia A & J. Atiquipa - Achievements and advances in science through the use of the satellite monitoring technology applied to the industrial fishery in Peru.

8:30 - 10:35am

4.5 - Cryer, M., K. Downing, B. Hartill, J. Drury, H. Armiger, C. Middleton & M. Smith - Underwater digital photography as a stock assessment tool for Metanephrops challengerion New Zealand's continental slope.

4.6 - Trenkel, V. & P. Lorance - The contribution of visual observations to surveying the deep-sea fish community.

4.7 - Thiele, W. - Technical requirements and prerequisites for deep water trawling.

4.8 - Lapshin, O. & V. Korotkov - The results of deep sea fisheries development in Russia/USSR and related scientific research.

4.9 - Malahoff, A. & C. Kelley - An overview of research on Hawaiian bottom-fish populations using submersible, ROV and acoustic techniques.

Report back and discussion.

11:00 - 12:30am

Chair - Kevin Stokes - New Zealand Seafood Industry Council

Themes 1-4 - Dr John Gordon, Dr Andre Punt, Dr Andy Rosenberg and Dr George Rose Pre-conference meetings in Dunedin:

Artisanal and Small Scale Deepwater Fisheries - Dr Ross Shotton.

The Conservation and Management of Deepwater Elasmobranchs - Ms Sarah Fowler.

Bioprospecting - Dr Julia Jabour Green.

The Assessment and Management of Deepwater Fisheries - Dr Kevin Stokes.

CoML Workshop on Seamounts and Undersea Canyons - Dr Karen Stocks.

Theme 5: Monitoring, Compliance and Control

Chair - Mr Dave Wood - New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries.

Keynote - Mr Stephen Stuart - Creating and implementing an effective deterrent.

5.1(a) - Kuruc, M. - VMS evidence proves the case in court.

1:30 - 3:15pm

5.1(b) - Botwin, B. - Technology solutions and international opportunities for improved maritime domain awareness.

5.2 - Lugten, G., S. Bache & R. Warner - Prosecuting fisheries law breaches - the "roughy" end of compliance.

5.3 - Riddell, A. - Gearing for optimal compliance at State level.

Theme 6: Review of Existing Policies and Instruments. Chair - Dr Marcus Haward - University of Tasmania, Australia

Theme 6 Keynote - Dr Douglas Johnston - Towards a high seas management regime: Vision and reality.

3:45 - 5:20pm

6.1 - Molenaar, E. - Global, Regional and Unilateral Approaches to Unregulated Deep-Sea Fisheries.

6.2 - Hedley, C. - International law and deep-sea fisheries.

6.3 - Sabourenkov, E., D. Miller & D. Ramm - CCAMLR's approach to managing Antarctic Marine Living Resources

Thursday 4 December



Continuation of Theme 6

8:30 - 10:20am

6.4 - Clarke, M. & K. Patterson - Deep sea fisheries management: the approach taken by the European Community.

6.5 - Serdy, A. - Schrodinger's TAC - superposition of alternative catch limits from

2003 under the South Tasman Rise orange roughy arrangement between Australia and New Zealand.

6.6 - Wallace, C. & B. Weber - The devil and the deep sea. Economics, institutions and incentives: the theory and the NZ quota management experience in the deep sea.

6.7 - Annala, J., M. Clark, G. Clement & J. Cornelius - Management of NZ orange roughy fisheries - a deep learning curve.

6.8 - Oelofsen, B. & A. Staby - The Namibian orange roughy fishery: lessons learnt for future management.

Continuation of Theme 6

11:50 - 11:30am

6.9 - Johnston, P. & D. Santillo - Conservation of seamount ecosystems: application of an MPA concept.

6.10 - Verona, C., C. Campagna & J. Croxall - Sea and Sky: The Patagonian Large Marine Ecosystem Program. Integrating the continental shelf reality with the deep sea potentialities.

Theme 7: Governance and Management

Chair - Mr Grant Bryden - New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

11:35 - 12:30pm

Keynote - Dr Moritaka Hayashi - Governing Deep Sea Fisheries: Future Options and Challenges.

7.1 - Miller, D. - Conventions and protocols - SEAFO, MHLC and SADC.

7.2 - Balton, D. - Managing living marine resources multilaterally: what works, and what doesn't work.

7.3 - Constable A., C. Davies & A. Williamson - A future management - can we learn from past mistakes?

1:30 - 3:30pm

7.4 - Wallace, C. - Principles and criteria for management and governance of human impacts on the deep sea.

7.5 - Cox, A. - Subsidies and deep sea fisheries management: policy issues and challenges

7.6 - Shotton, R. & M. Haward - Managing the high seas - requirements for a Global High Seas Fisheries Trust.

7.7 - Westberg, A. - Governance and management of living marine resources and fisheries on the continental slope and in the deep sea - issues and challenges.

4:00 - 5:15pm

Report Back and Discussion: Themes 5-7 - Mr Marcel Kroese, Prof. Douglas Johnston & Mr Michael Lodge

World Conference on Deep Sea Fisheries - Dr Ross Shotton

Workshop on the Governance of High Seas Biodiversity Conservation - Dr John Annala

Special COML/OBIS Session - Presentations hosted by COML

The Census of Marine Life and the Ocean Bio-geographic Information System: Collecting and serving data on the diversity, distribution and abundance of marine life

5:15 - 6:30pm

1. Census of Marine Life: Overview of research and global partnership - K. Yarincik

2. A Demonstration of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System - K. Stocks

3. Biodiversity of seamounts: A global field project - K. Stocks

4. Life on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: First Views from the Mir Submersible Dives - M. Vecchione

5. History of Marine Animal Populations - A. Rosenberg

Friday 5 December



The Way Ahead

Chair - Dr Ross Shotton - United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation

Perspectives panel session:

9:00 - 10:30am

Dr Mike Sissenwine - NOAA Fisheries, USA
Dr Carlos Verona - Wildlife Conservation Society consultant, Argentina
Dr Denzil Miller - CCAMLR
Mr Geoffrey Richardson - AFMA, Australia
Mr Michael Lodge - International Seabed Authority
Ms Kristina Gjerde - IUCN
Prof. Moritaka Hayashi - Waseda University, Japan

11:00 - 12:00pm

Mr Martin Exel - Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd, Australia
Mr David Sharp - New Zealand Seafood Fishing Industry Council
Question and answer/discussion

12:00 - 12:30pm

Conference Synthesis: The Future and Closure Rt Hon Pete Hodgson - New Zealand Minister of Fisheries address

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