Unasylva - No. 219 - Trade and sustainable forest management


An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 55 2004/4

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board:
F. Castañeda, T. Hofer, C. Holding Anyonge, D. Kneeland, J.P. Koyo, M. Morell, A. Perlis, L. Russo, M. Uemoto, T. Vahanen, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche
Regional Advisers:
H. Abdel Nour, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, P. Koné, K. Prins

Unasylva is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish editions. Subscription price: one year US$50.00, payable to the Sales and Marketing Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, or to any of the FAO sales agents listed on the inside back cover.

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(Download- 47 KB)

Editorial (Download- 33 KB)

C. Mersmann
Links between trade and sustainable forest management: an overview (Download- 119 KB)

M. Shimamoto, F. Ubukata and Y. Seki
Is free trade compatible with sustainable forest management?  (Download49 KB)

M. Arda
A general picture of the world commodity economy (Download158 KB)

O. Hashiramoto, J. Castano and S. Johnson
Changing global picture of trade in wood products (Download111 KB)

W. Lu
China’s growing role in world timber trade (Download- 114 KB)

Forest certification in China: workshop on future strategies (Download- 39 KB)

S. Ozinga
Time to measure the impacts of certification on sustainable forest management (Download110 KB)

M. Richards
Forest trade policies: how do they affect forest governance? (Download109 KB)

H.K. Chen and S. Zain
CITES, trade and sustainable forest management 
(Download67 KB)

E.T. Masters, J.A. Yidana and P.N. Lovett
Reinforcing sound management through trade: shea tree products in Africa (Download147 KB)

M. Katila and E. Puustjärvi
Markets for forest environmental services: reality and potential (Download119 KB)

J.L. Bowyer
Changing realities in forest sector markets (Download124 KB)

FAO FORESTRY  (Download- 61 KB)

WORLD OF FORESTRY  (Download- 68 KB)

BOOKS  (Download- 63 KB)