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Appendix 4
Collected references

Note (1): The following collected refferences include full-length Web addresses (URLs) where appropriate, whereas an abbreviated URL is used in the main body of the text. Line breaks in URLs in the full-length format should be disregarded.

Note (2): Where there are multiple references by a particular author in a single year, the differentiating lettering (a, b etc) may not be the same as that used in the individual chapters.

APHIS. 2000. Guidelines for pathway-initiated pest risk assessments. USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (available at

Baker, R., Cannon, R., Bartlett, P. & Barker, I. (in press). Novel strategies for assessing and managing the risks posed by invasive alien species to global crop production and biodiversity. Annals of Applied Biology, 146 (in press).

Baker, R.H.A. 2002. Predicting the limits to the potential distribution of alien crop pests. In G.J. Hallman & C.P. Schwalbe, eds. Invasive arthropods in agriculture. Problems and solutions, pp. 207 - 241. Enfield, USA, Science Publishers Inc.

Baker, R.H.A., Cannon, R.J.C. & MacLeod, A. 2003. Predicting the potential distribution of alien pests in the UK under global climate change: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. In Proceedings of the BCPC International Congress - Crop science and technology 2003, pp. 1201 - 1208. Alton, UK, BCPC Publications. 1236 pp.

Baskin, Y. 2002. A plague of rats and rubbervines: the growing threat of species invasions. Washington, D.C., USA, Shearwater Books/Island Press. 330 pp.

Bensted-Smith, R., Powell, G. & Dinerstein, E. 2002. Planning for the ecoregion. In R. Bensted-Smith, ed. A biodiversity vision for the Galapagos Islands, pp. 1 - 5. Charles Darwin Foundation and WWF. Puerto Ayora, Galapagos, Ecuador, CDF (available at

Bertolino, S. & Genovesi, P. 2003. Spread and attempted eradication of the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Italy, and consequences for the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in Eurasia. Biological Conservation, 109(3): 351 - 358.

Bos, L. 1988. Germplasm health and international crop improvement, with special reference to viruses. In A.W. Jalil, P.L. Manalo, S.S. Sastroutomo, A. Ganapathi, K.C. Chan, L.G. Lim, M.A.A. Rahim, P.S.S. Durai & M.C. Stephensons, eds., Introduction of Germplasm and Plant Quarantine Procedures, pp. 28 - 29. Malaysia, Asean Plant Quarantine Centre and Training Institute.

CABI. 2004. Crop Protection Compendium (CD-ROM and internet versions). Wallingford, UK, CAB International (available at

CBD. 1995. Second Conference of the Parties, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 - 17 November 1995: Decision II/8: Preliminary consideration of components of biological diversity particularly under threat and action which could be taken under the Convention (available at

CBD. 2000a. Fifth Conference of the Parties, Nairobi, Kenya, 15 - 26 May 2000: Decision V/6: Ecosystem approach (available at

CBD. 2000b. Fifth Conference of the Parties, Nairobi, Kenya, 15 - 26 May 2000: Decision V/9: Global Taxonomy Initiative: implementation and further advance of the Suggestions for Action (available at

CBD. 2001a. Sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical And Technological Advice, Montreal, Canada, 12 - 16 March 2001: information document, dated 26 February 2001: Comprehensive review of activities for the prevention, early detection, eradication and control of invasive alien species (document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/6/INF/3, available at

CBD. 2001b. Sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical And Technological Advice, Montreal, Canada, 12 - 16 March 2001: information document, dated 26 February 2001: Review of the efficiency and efficacy of existing legal instruments applicable to invasive alien species (document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/6/INF/5, available at

CBD. 2001c. Sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical And Technological Advice, Montreal, Canada, 12 - 16 March 2001: information document, dated 26 February 2001: Report on existing international procedures, criteria and capacity for assessing risk from invasive alien species (document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/6/INF/6, available at

CBD. 2002a. Sixth Conference of the Parties, The Hague, the Netherlands, 7 - 19 April 2002: information document, dated 28 February 2002. European Plant Conservation Strategy (document UNEP/CBD/COP/6/INF/22, available at

CBD. 2002b. Sixth Conference of the Parties, The Hague, the Netherlands, 7 - 19 April 2002: Decision VI/7: Identification, monitoring, indicators and assessments to which is annexed Guidelines for incorporating biodiversity-related issues into environmental impact assessment legislation and/or process and in strategic environmental assessment (available at

CBD. 2002c. Sixth Conference of the Parties, The Hague, the Netherlands, 7 - 19 April 2002: Decision VI/8: Global Taxonomy Initiative to which is annexed Programme of work for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (available at

CBD. 2002d. Sixth Conference of the Parties, The Hague, the Netherlands, 7 - 19 April 2002: Decision VI/23: Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species to which is annexed Guiding principles for the prevention, introduction and mitigation of impacts of alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species (available at

CBD. 2003a. Ninth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical And Technological Advice, Montreal, Canada, 10 - 14 November 2003. Invasive alien species: identification of specific gaps and inconsistencies in the international regulatory framework (document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/9/15, available at

CBD. 2003b. Ninth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical And Technological Advice, Montreal, Canada, 10 - 14 November 2003. Global Taxonomy Initiative: progress and implementation of the programme of work (document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/9/16, available at

CBD. 2004. Seventh Conference of the Parties, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9 - 20 and 27 February 2004: Decision VII/13: Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species (Article 8 (h)) (available at

Charles Darwin Foundation and World Wildlife Fund. 2002. A biodiversity vision for the Galapagos Islands. R. Bensted-Smith, ed. Puerto Ayora, Galapagos, Ecuador, CDF (available at

Chiarappa, L. & Karpati, J.F. 1981. Safe and rapid transfer of plant genetic resources: a proposal for a global system. Report of a FAO/UNDP/IBPGR meeting on crop genetic resources. Rome, Italy, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 10 pp.

Choge, S.K., Ngujira, F.D., Kuria, M.N., Busaka, E.A. & Muthondeki, J.K. 2002. The status and impact of Prosopis spp in Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya, Kenya Forest Research Institute. 59 pp.

Council of Europe. 2002. Twenty-second meeting of the Bern Convention Standing Committee, Strasbourg, France, 2 - 5 December 2002: Proceedings of the workshop on invasive alien species on European islands and evolutionary isolated ecosystems, Horta, Azores, Portugal, 10 - 12 October 2002: document T-PVS/Inf (2002) 33, dated 21 October 2002. Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe (available at

Council of Europe. 2003. Twenty-third meeting of the Bern Convention Standing Committee, Strasbourg, France, 1 - 5 December 2003: Recommendation No. 99 (2003) on the European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species, referring to document T-PVS (2003) 7, dated 5 September 2003: European strategy on invasive alien species (3rd draft). Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe (available at

Council of the European Union. 2000. Council Directive 2000/29/EC of 8 May 2000 on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community. Official Journal of the European Communities, L 169: 1 - 112 (available at

Council of the European Union. 2002. 2413rd Council meeting - Environment, Brussels, 4 March 2002: 6592/02 (Presse 47): p. 24 (available at

Cunningham, D.C., Woldendorp, G., Burgess, M.B. & Barry, S.C. 2003. Prioritising sleeper weeds for eradication: Selection of species based on potential impacts on agriculture and feasibility of eradication. Canberra, Australia, Bureau of Rural Sciences (available at Sciences&ObjectID=001EE160-004D-470D-BACC098DBEA9EA8C).

D’Antonio, C.M. 2000. Fire, plant invasions, and global changes. In H.A. Mooney & R.J. Hobbs, eds. Invasive species in a changing world, pp. 65 - 93. Washington, DC, USA, Island Press. 384 pp.

Davis, S.D. & Heywood, V.H., eds. 1995. Centres of plant diversity: a guide and strategy for their conservation. Volume II: Asia, Australasia and the Pacific. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN). Cambridge, UK, IUCN Publication Unit. xiv + 578 pp.

Dowell, R.V. & Gill, R. 1989. Exotic invertebrates and their effects on California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 65(2): 132 - 145.

Ebbels, D.L. 2003. Principles of plant health and quarantine. Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing. x + 302 pp.

Elvira, B. 2001. Identification of non-native freshwater fishes established in Europe and assessment of their potential threat to the biological diversity. Council of Europe: Twenty-first meeting of the Bern Convention Standing Committee, Strasbourg, France, 26-30 November 2001: document T-PVS (2001) 6, dated 11 December 2000 (available at

EPPO. 1997. Pest risk analysis: pest risk assessment scheme. EPPO standard PM 5/3(1) (available at

EPPO. 1998. Pest risk analysis: check-list of information required for pest risk analysis (PRA). EPPO standard PM 5/1(1) (available at

EPPO. 2000. Pest risk analysis: pest risk management scheme. EPPO standard PM 5/4(1) (available at

EPPO. 2003a. EPPO alert list. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (available at

EPPO. 2003b. Phytophthora ramorum: Sudden oak death. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization plant quarantine alert (available at

Evans, G., Lum, K.Y. & Murdoch, L. 2002. Needs assessment in taxonomy and biosystematics for plant pathogenic organisms in countries of South East Asia. A report for AusAID (available from the Office of the Chief Plant Protection Officer, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australia, Canberra, Australia). 67 pp.

FAO. 1995. Twenty-eighth Session of the FAO Conference: Resolution 4/95, adopted 31 October 1997: Code of conduct for responsible fisheries. Rome, Italy, FAO. 41 pp. (also available at

FAO. 1996. Precautionary approach to capture fisheries and species introductions. FAO Technical guidelines for responsible fisheries 2. Rome, Italy, FAO. 54 pp. (also available at

FAO. 1997a. Aquaculture development. FAO Technical guidelines for responsible fisheries 5. Rome, Italy, FAO. 40 pp. (also available at

FAO. 1997b. Report of the 29th Session of the FAO Conference, Rome, Italy, 7 - 18 November 1997: Revised International Plant Protection Convention (available at

FAO. 1999. Report of the Second Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, Rome, Italy, 4 - 8 October 1999 (available at

FAO. 2001a. Report of the Third Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, Rome, Italy, 2 - 6 April 2001, Appendix XI: Dispute settlement procedures (available at

FAO. 2001b. Report of the Third Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, Rome, Italy, 2 - 6 April 2001, Appendix XIII: Statements of the ICPM Exploratory Open-ended Working Group on Phytosanitary Aspects of GMOs, Biosafety and Invasive Species (available at

FAO. 2003. Report of the Fifth Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, Rome, Italy, 7 - 11 April 2003 (available at

Farrell, G., Kibata, G.N. & Sutherland, J.A., eds. 1995. A review of crop protection research in Kenya. KARI/ODA Crop Protection Project. Nairobi, Kenya, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. 165 pp.

Follett, P.A. & Duan, J.J., eds. 2000. Nontarget effects of biological control. Norwell, Massachusetts, USA, Kluwer. 316 pp.

Gagné, W.C. 1988. Conservation priorities in Hawaiian natural systems. BioScience, 38(4): 264 - 271.

Geiter, O., Homma, S. & Kinzelbach, R. 2002. Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung von Neozoen in Deutschland. Texte des Umweltbundesamtes 25/2002. Berlin, Germany, Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environmental Agency). 174 +36 +31 +52 pp.

Greathead, D.J. & Greathead, A.H. 1992. Biological control of insect pests by insect parasitoids and predators: the BIOCAT database. Biocontrol News and Information, 12: 61N - 68N.

Greathead, D.J. 1997. An introduction to the FAO Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents. Biocontrol News and Information, 18: 117N - 118N (available at

Green P.T., O’Dowd, D.J & Lake, P.S. 2001. From resistance to meltdown: secondary invasion of an island rain forest. In K.N. Ganeshaiah, R. Uma Shaanker & K.S. Bawa, eds., Tropical ecosystems: structure, diversity and human welfare, pp. 451 - 455. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems, Bangalore, India, 15 - 18 July 2001. New Delhi, India, Oxford-IBH. 791 pp.

Griffin, R. 2000. The fundamentals of risk analysis and its practical application. World Trade Organization SPS risk analysis workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, 19 - 20 June 2000 (available at

Groombridge, B., ed. 1992. Global biodiversity: status of the earth’s living resources. Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. London, UK, Chapman & Hall. 594 pp.

Groves, R.H., Panetta, F.D. & Virtue, J.G., eds. 2001. Weed risk assessment. Collingwood, Australia, CSIRO Publishing. 256 pp.

Hawaii Biological Survey, 2001. Hawaii Biological Survey Reports, Bishop Museum, Winter 2001 No. 1 ( [Editorial note, October 2004: this link is no longer functional.]

Henneman, M.L. & Memmott, J. 2001. Infiltration of a Hawaiian community by introduced biological control agents. Science, 293: 1314 - 1316.

Hill, G., Cock, M., & Howard, G. 1999. Water hyacinth, its control and utilisation: a global review. CABI Bioscience and IUCN. Publications on Water Resources: No. 15. Stockholm, Sweden, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). 54 pp.

Hodges, R.J., Dunstan, l W.R., Magazini, I.A. & Golob, P. 1983. An outbreak of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in East Africa. Protection Ecology, 5: 183 - 194.

Hopper, B.E. 1993. Pest risk analysis: de fining the concept. In International approaches to plant pest risk analysis, p.

20. Proceedings of the APHIS/NAPPO international workshop on the identification, assessment, and management of risks due to exotic agricultural pests, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, 23 - 25 October 1991. NAPPO Bulletin no. 11. Ottawa, Canada, North American Plant Protection Organization.

Howarth, F.G. 2000. Non-target effects of biological control agents. In: G. Gurr & S. Wratten, eds. Biological control: measures of success, pp. 369-403. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer. 429 pp.

Hughes, B., Delany, S., Criado, J., Green, A., Gallo-Orsi, U., Grussu, M., Perennou, C. & Torres Esquivas, J.A. 1999. The status of the North American ruddy duck Oxyura jamaicensis in the western Palearctic: towards an action plan for eradication. Council of Europe publication T-PVS/Birds (99). Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe Publishing.

ICES. 2003. ICES Code of Practice on the Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms 2003 (available at

IMO. 1997. Twentieth IMO Assembly: Resolution A.868(20), adopted 27 November 1997: Annex - Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ ballast water to minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens (available at

IUCN. 2000. IUCN Guidelines for the prevention of biodiversity loss caused by alien invasive species. Approved by the 51st Meeting of the IUCN Council, Gland, Switzerland, February 2000 (available at

Ivanov, V.P., Kamakin, A.M., Ushivtzev, V.B., Shiganova, T., Zhukova, O., Aladin N., Wilson, S.I, Harbison, G.R. & Dumont, H.J. 2000. Invasion of the Caspian Sea by the comb jelly fish Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora). Biological Invasions, 2(3): 255 - 258.

Jenkins, P. 1999. Avoiding a rat-infested, zebra mussel-fouled, nasty weed patch for a planet: global policy changes needed to stop biological invasions caused by international trade. Presented at the Workshop on Legal and Institutional Dimensions of Invasive Alien Species Introduction and Control, Bonn, Germany, 10 - 11 December 1999.

Johnston, P.R. 2002. Pers. comm., IUCN Aliens-l listserver, 31 July 2002. Linked to report by P.R. Johnston and P.K. Buchanan, Landcare Research, New Zealand, on their research [1997 - ] funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology (available at

Jones, D.R, Sansford, C.E. & Brasier, C.M. 2003. Pest risk analysis. Phytophthora ramorum. York, UK, Central Science Laboratory (CSL) and Forest Research. (Revision 4, 15 October 2003, available at

Julien, M.H. & Griffiths, M.W., eds. 1998. Biological control of weeds. A world catalogue of agents and their target weeds. Fourth edition. Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing, 223 pp.

Kairo, M.T.K., Cock, M.J.W. & Quinlan, M.M. 2003. An assessment of the use of the Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents (ISPM No. 3) since its endorsement as an international standard. Biocontrol News and Information, 24: 15N - 27N (available at

Keil, H. 1988. Losses caused by the larger grain borer in farm stored maize. In: G.G.M. Schulten & A.J. Toet, eds. Workshop on the containment and control of the larger grain borer, Arusha, Tanzania, 16-21 May 1988, pp 28 - 52. Rome, Italy, FAO. ii + 209 pp.

Klassen, W., Brodel, C.F. & Fieselmann, D.A. 2002. Exotic pests of plants: current and future threats to horticultural production and trade in Florida and the Caribbean Basin. Micronesica, supplement 6: 5 - 27. de Klemm, C. 1996. Introductions of non-native organisms into the natural environment. Nature and Environment No. 73. Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe Publishing.

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Korneck, D., Schnittler, M., Klingenstein, F., Ludwig, G., Takla, M., Bohn, U. & May, R. 1998. Warum verarmt unsere Flora? Auswertung der Roten Liste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde, 29: 299 - 444.

Kowarik, I. 2003. Biologische Invasionen: Neophyten und Neozoen in Mitteleuropa. Stuttgart, Germany, Ulmer. 380 pp.

LaGasa, E. 2001. Surveys and diagnostics 2000: Virtual cart, digital horse, and uphill reality. In USDA-APHIS (2001). Detecting and monitoring invasive species. Proceedings of the Plant Health Conference 2000: 24 - 25 October 2000, Raleigh, North Carolina, US. Raleigh, North Carolina, US, USDA, PPQ, Center for Plant Health Science and Technology.

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McNeely, J.A., ed. 2001. The great reshuffiing: human dimensions of invasive alien species. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK, IUCN. 242 pp.

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Mooney, H.A. & Hobbs, R.J., eds. 2000. Invasive species in a changing world. Washington, D.C., USA, Island Press. 384 pp.

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Quinlan, M.M., Mumford, J.D., Waage, J.K. & Thomas, M. 2003. Proposals for revision of Code of Conduct. Biocontrol News and Information (BNI), General News, 24: 1 - 3N.

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Sandlund, O.T., Schei, P.J. & Viken, A., eds. 1999. Invasive species and biodiversity management. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer. 431 pp.

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