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Both FAO and UNESCO would like to acknowledge the contribution of Lluis Artigas De Quadras of UNESCO who sadly died during the early preparation stages of The Ninth United Nations Inter-Agency Roundtable on Communication for Development. We would like to thank him for his contribution to the discipline of Communication for Development. He will be remembered fondly.

FAO is indebted to the co-sponsors of the Ninth UN Interagency Roundtable on Communication for Development, namely, the Government of Italy, UNESCO, World Bank, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). IDRC and CTA also provided resource persons. Additional funds were provided by the FAO's Sustainable Development Department through its Research, Extension and Training Division (SDR).

Many thanks to the advisory team with members from UNESCO, FAO, and IDRC. This team prepared the agenda and provided experts to manage, coordinate and organize the meeting. The invaluable contribution of the late Lluis Artigas De Quadras (UNESCO) is especially remembered.

The Roundtable has been enriched by the wide-ranging experience of international organizations, foundations, NGOs, universities and donors. It is especially indebted to scholars Jan Servaes, James Deane, Silvia Balit, Niels Röling and Guy Bessette who presented thematic working papers that not only complement theory but also bring to light the real challenges faced in practice. Thanks also due to the faciltators of the working groups: Chin Saik Yoon, Maria Protz and Fabio Santucci.

Special thanks to IDRC for hosting a thematic pre-Roundtable meeting on Communication and Natural Resource Management in the spirit of partnership and dedication to Communication for Development.

Thanks also to Panos Institute Director, Mark Wilson, and his team, Teresa Hanley, consultant Nikki van der Gaag, Alex Whiting, and Annelise Dennis for providing an excellent service in rapporteuring the conference and compiling this final report.

The FAO Communication for Development Group within the Extension, Education and Communication Service (SDRE) was led by Ester Zulberti, Chief of the Service.
The Roundtable could not have been so successful without her in the driver's seat and her competent communication for development group, Jean Pierre Ilboudo, Riccardo DelCastello, Mario Acunzo, Jakob Thompson and Clare O'Farrell. Support staff included Sandra Tardioli, Cecilia Agyeman Anane, Véronique LeVavasseur and Carine Rouah. Thanks also goes to the volunteers who helped to manage the exhibition space: Rachele Santini, David Slangen and Ashira Assih.

The final report, background papers, presentations and Roundtable Declaration are found on FAO's Sustainable Development Website:

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ISBN 92-5-105296-4  Copyright © 2005
FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, ITALY

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