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United Nations Communication for Development Roundtable

The Ninth United Nations Inter-Agency Roundtable on Communication for Development, held in Rome 6–9 September 2004, brought together United Nations agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations, development agencies, non-governmental organizations, scholars, and a number of practitioners in development communication throughout the world.

The Roundtable meets every two years to examine, discuss and assess the current trends in Communication for Development and to set priorities for future direction in the fields for members of the Roundtable and the larger development community.

The 9th Roundtable focused on communication and sustainable development. The discussion addressed three thematic topics:

Communication for Natural Resource Management
Communication in Research, Extension and Education
Communication for Isolated and Marginalized Groups

The Ninth Roundtable asserts:

In 2004, Communication for Development faces a number of key challenges:

The Ninth Roundtable therefore calls for:

Towards a Plan of Action, the Roundtable proposes:

General recommendations:

Specific recommendations to the Roundtable:

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