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Appendix 6:List of participants


Italian Government

Min. Pier Eugenio Campo
Ministro Plenipotenziario
Direzione Generale – Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Italy
[email protected]

Vincenza Russo
Direzione Generale – Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Italy
[email protected]

UK Department for International Development (DFID)

Dylan Winder
Communications Team Leader,
Central Research Department, London
[email protected]

Fiona Power
Knowledge and Communication Specialist
[email protected]


Roberta Hilbruner
Environmental Communication Specialist
[email protected]


African Development Bank

Martin Kakra-Kouame
Senior Communication Officer,Tunisia
[email protected]

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Tania Abdirizzak
Fish Code Program Assistant, Fishery Planning and Policy (FIPD)
[email protected]

Mario Acunzo
Communication for Development Officer,
Extension, Education and Communication Service (SDRE)
[email protected]

Jaime Almenara
Officer, Extension, Education and Communication 
Service, FAO Regional Office in Africa
[email protected]

Ashira Assih
Consultant, Gender and Development Service (SDWW)
[email protected]

Vera Boerger
Extension, Education and Communication Officer
Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
[email protected]

William Clay
Chief, Nutrition Programmes Service (ESNP)
[email protected]

Michael Connolly
Extension, Education and Communication Officer
(SDRE), Sub-regional Office for Southern and East
Africa (SAFR)
[email protected]

Tito Contado
Former Chief, SDRE
[email protected]

Eve L Crowley
Senior Officer, Rural Livelihood Strategies and
Poverty Alleviation (SDAR)
[email protected]

Riccardo Del Castello
Communication for Development Officer, SDRE
[email protected]

José Luis Fernandez
Liaison Officer, Unit for Relations with the UN System (SADN)
[email protected]

Kevin Gallagher
Senior Programme Development Officer, Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS)
[email protected]

Lavinia Gasperini
Senior Officer, Education
[email protected]

Peter Glasauer
Nutrition Officer, Nutrition Education and Communication Group, Nutrition Programmes Service
[email protected]

May Hani
Extension, Education and Communication Officer (SDRE), Regional Office for the Near East
[email protected]

Günter Heidrich
Information/Communication Officer
FAO Project GCP/INT/735/UK, Benin
[email protected]

Jean Pierre Ilboudo
Officer-in-Charge, Communication for Development Group, SDRE
[email protected]

Stéphane Jost
Liaison Officer, UN System Network on Food Security and Rural Development
Rural Institutions and Participation Service (SDAR)
[email protected]

David Kahan
Agricultural Management Economist, Agricultural Management, Marketing, and Rural Finance Service (AGSF)
[email protected]

Lilian Kambirigi
Information Officer, News and Multimedia Service, GIIM
[email protected]

Cheemin Kown
Information and Communication Officer (FONL)
[email protected]

Dietrich Leihner
Director, Research, Extension and Training Division (SDR)
[email protected]

Dr Cheick Omar Maïga
Chief Technical Officer,
Reproductive Health in Rural Areas Project (UNFPA/FAO), Cameroon
[email protected]

Wendy Mann
Senior Liaison Officer (SADN)
Special Adviser to the Director General (SAD)
[email protected]

John H Monyo
Assistant Director General, Sustainable Development Department (SDD)
[email protected]

Ester Zulberti
Chief, SDRE
[email protected]

Eliane Najros
Project Coordinator, Dimitra – FAO, Gender and Development Service (SDWW)
[email protected]

Karin Nichterlein
Research and Technology Officer
Regional Office for Europe (REUS)
[email protected]

Jennifer Nyberg
Communications Adviser, Office of the Assistant Director-General (ESD)
[email protected]

Clare O'Farrell
Communication for Development Officer, SDRE
[email protected]

Laouali Oumarou
Research Fellow, SDRE
[email protected]

Nicholas Parsons
Chief, News and Multimedia Service (GIIM)
[email protected]

Thomas Price
Resources and Strategic Partnerships Unit (TCDS)
[email protected]

Francisco J. Proenza
Economist, Investment Centre, Latin America and the Caribbean Service (TCIL)
[email protected]

Kalim Qamar
Senior Officer (Agricultural Training and Txtension), SDRE
[email protected]

MariaGrazia Quieti
Agricultural Policy Support Service (TCAS)
[email protected]

Jenny Riches
Documentation Officer,
Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS)
[email protected]

German Rojas
Information Officer, News and Multimedia Service (GIIM)
[email protected]

Stephen Rudgard
Chief, WAICENT, Capacity Building and Outreach Branch (GILF)
[email protected]

William Seiders
Senior Officer, SDRE, Subregion for the Caribbean, Barbados
[email protected]

Olarewaju B.Smith
Executive Secretary
Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), Secretariat
[email protected]

Jacky Sutton
Information and Communication Officer
Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Service(ESAF)
[email protected]

Jakob S Thompson
Associate Professional Officer (APO), SDRE
[email protected]

Sophie Treinen
Information Management Specialist, WAICENT
Capacity Building and Outreach Branch (GILF)
[email protected]

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Helen Gillman
Manager of Editorial Services, Communication Division
[email protected]

Sandra Mcguire
Director of Communications
[email protected]

Roxanna Samii
Web Manager, Communication Division
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
[email protected]

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Jean Fabre
Deputy Director in charge of communications
[email protected]

United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Robert Bisset
Spokesperson for Europe,
[email protected]

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Kwame Boafo
Communication and Information Sector
[email protected]

Wijayananada Jayaweera
Director, Communication Development Division, Communication and Information Sector
[email protected]

Venus Jennings
Assistant Programme Specialist, Communication Development Division
[email protected]

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Neil Ford
Regional Adviser, Programme Communication,
Eastern and Southern Africa, Regional Office
[email protected]

Rina Gill
Senior Adviser, Behaviour and Social Change
[email protected]

World Bank

Lucia Grenna
Unit Manager,
Development Communications Division SDO
External Affairs
[email protected]

Paolo Mefalopulos
Communication Officer, Development Communications Division
[email protected]

Paul Mitchell
Director, Development Communications Division
[email protected]

Riikka Rajalahti
Agricultural Specialist, Agriculture and Rural Development Division
[email protected]

World Food Programme (WFP)

Francesco Luna
School Feeding Service
[email protected]

World Health Organization (WHO)

Gregory Hartl
Communications Adviser
[email protected]

Cristiana Salvi
Technical Officer for Communication and
Advocacy, WHO Regional Office for Europe
[email protected]

Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Oumy N'diaye
Head of Communication Channels and Services Department, Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural
Cooperation, The Netherlands
[email protected]

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Guy Bessette
Senior Program Specialist
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
[email protected]

Blythe Mckay
People Land and Water Programme Initiative
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
[email protected]

Luis A.Navarro
Team Leader, PlaW Program, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Kenya
[email protected]


Awa Adjibade
[email protected]

Silvia Balit
[email protected]

Luis Ramiro Beltran Salmón, Bolivia
[email protected]

Saik Yoon Chin
[email protected]

Jean Yves Clavreul
[email protected]

Colin Fraser
[email protected]

Lydda Gaviria
[email protected]

Bruce Girard
[email protected]

Daniel Gregoire
[email protected]; [email protected]

Abigail Mulhall
ITAD Ltd, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Maria Protz
[email protected]

Wendy Quarry
[email protected]

Chantal Salako,
[email protected]

Fatoumata Sow
[email protected]

Jacqueline Stoeckler
[email protected]


José Luis Aguirre Alvis
Director, SECRAD (Service of Training in Radio and Television for Development)
[email protected]; [email protected]

José Miguel Arévalo Delgado
Coordinator SICR, Asociación latinoamericano de Educatión Radiofónica (ALER)
[email protected]

Indrajit Banerjee
Secretary-General, Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), Singapore
[email protected]

Steve Buckley
President, World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)
[email protected]

Gissela Maritza Davila Cobo
Coordinador, Social de Radios Populares y Educativas del Ecuador (CORAPE),Ecuador
[email protected]

James Deane
Managing Director, Communication for Social Change Consortium (CfSCC)
[email protected]

N'Golo Diarra
Researcher/Trainer, Centre de Service de Production Audiovisuelle (CESPA), Mali
[email protected]

Nathan Ducastel
Programme Officer, Knowledge Sharing, IICD
[email protected]

Gustavo Gómez
Programme Director, AMARC, Uruguay
[email protected]

Dominique Hounkonnou
Consultant, Connecting Development Partners (CDP) International
[email protected]

Jean Baptiste Ilboudo
Director, Centre de formation de l'Union des Radiodiffusions et, Télévisions Nationales d'Afrique
(URTNA), Burkina Faso
[email protected]

Professor Christopher Kamlongera
SADC Director-Centre of Communication for Development
[email protected]

Jones Kaumba
Senior Communication for Development Trainer
SADC-Centre of Communication for Development
[email protected]

Lun Kimhy
Deputy Provincial Programme Advisor, PLG/RAT, Cambodia
[email protected]

John Kofi Larweh
Station Coordinator, Radio Ada, Ghana
[email protected]; [email protected]

Chris Morry
Director Special Projects and Technical Development, The Communication Initiative
[email protected]

Michelle Ntab-Ndiaye
Regional Director, AMARC – Africa, South Africa
[email protected]

Souleymane Ouattara
Coordinator, Network for African Journalists (JADE), Burkina Faso
[email protected]

Rosalie Ouoba
President, Network for Citizenship of Rural Women of West Africa and Chad, Burkina Faso
[email protected]

Michael Pickstock
Director Wrenmedia, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Peter Van de Pol
Project Coordinator New Media Activities
Radio Netherlands Training Centre (RNTC)
[email protected]

Mark Wilson
Executive Director, Panos Institute, London
[email protected]


Claude Adandedjan
Training and Education Specialist, ICRAF (International Center for Research in Agroforestry) Sahel
[email protected]

Liano Angeli
Head of Department, DEAR (Department of Agro-Forestry Economics and Rural Environment)
University of Viterbo, Tuscia University, Italy
[email protected]

Serge Théophile Balima
Professor of Communication, University of Ouagadougou
[email protected]

James L Brewbaker
Dept of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences
University of Hawaii
[email protected]

Lourdes Margarita Aves Caballero
University Research Associate
Isang Bagsak SEA
[email protected]

Maria Celeste Cadiz
Dean and Associate Professor
College of Development Communication
[email protected]

Waad El Hadidy
Programme Manager, Centre for Development Services, Egypt
[email protected]

Shadi Hamadeh
American University of Beyrouth
Department of Animal Sciences
[email protected]

Sarah Karinge
Development Consultant and Researcher
Vrije Universiteit Brussels,Belgium
[email protected]

Meya Patricia Kalindekafe
Senior Lecturer in Ecology,
University of Malawi
[email protected]

Ziad Moussa
Communication/Training Specialist, American University of Beirut, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
[email protected]

Gregoire Njejimana
Rector of Université Lumière de Bujumbura, Burundi
[email protected]

Naiboka Nora Odoi
Development Communication Specialist
Kawanda Agricultural Institute, Uganda
[email protected]

Nora Quebral
Professor of Development Communication, College of Development Communication (CDC)
University of the Philippines, Los Baños
[email protected]

Madeline Quiamco
Assistant Professor, CDC, University of the Philippines, Los Baños
[email protected]

Ricardo Ramirez
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
University of Guelph, Canada
[email protected]

William Rivera
Associate Professor, University of Maryland
[email protected].

Niels Röling
Emeritus Professor, Agricultural Knowledge Systems, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
[email protected]

Jean Pierre Sakaganwa
Professor, Université Lumière de Bujumbura, Belgique
[email protected]

Dr Karidia Sanon
Researcher / Lecturer, Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
[email protected]

Fabio Santucci
Professor, Department of Economics (DSEE), University of Perugia, Italy
[email protected]

Joseph Seepersad
Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension
University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago
[email protected]; [email protected]

Jan Servaes
Professor, Head of School of Journalism and Communication, University of Queensland, Australia
[email protected]

J. Douglas Storey
Associate Director for Communication Science and Research, The Health Communication Partnership,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
[email protected]

Dr Jacques Thiamobigad
Institut de l'Environment et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA)
[email protected]

Cleofe S.Torres
Associate Professor, CDC, University of the Philippines, Los Baños
[email protected]

Ma. Theresa H Velasco
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Science Communication, CDC, University of the Philippines, Los Baños
[email protected]


Annelise Dennis
[email protected]

Teresa Hanley
Director of Programmes
[email protected]

Nikki van der Gaag
Chief Rapporteur
Consultant to Panos
[email protected]

Alex Whiting
[email protected]


Ahmadou Sankare
Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought
Control in the Sahel (CILSS),
Burkina Faso
[email protected]

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