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65. The Session adopted the report of the Symposium on Aquaculture Development - Partnership between Science and Producer Associations (Appendix E).

66. The Commission recognized the activities of the European Union (EU), the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP), the European Aquaculture Society (EAS), and others, as well as the wide range of issues associated with interactions between science and production.

67. Cooperatives, trade associations and producer organizations/associations are essential mechanisms, not only to improve marketing but also to cover R&D costs that many small farms cannot afford. Targeted research and development programmes have significant benefits for aquaculture producers. Successful partnerships are characterized by good understanding and communication between partners, clear comprehension of their needs and pro-active positions, as well as coherent national and European RTD policies.

68. Producers should be assisted in the organization of representative associations. They should also participate in priority-setting and decision-making processes, and be provided with access to information and education.

69. Partnerships are important in the overall context of promotion of sustainable aquaculture development. Strong professional associations are required to establish and maintain successful partnerships with scientists. Multidisciplinary approaches should encompass consumer, social and economic issues, and should facilitate cooperation and consultation involving multiple stakeholders.

70. The Commission recommended to Members that:

71. The Commission welcomed the symposium recommendation to continue the approach of promoting partnership consultations between science and production at future symposia, and to widen the scope by including other relevant stakeholders.

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