FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/02 - ARMENIA (1 February)

ARMENIA* (1 February)

Grain harvest in 2001 nearly doubled at 417 000 tonnes compared to the drought reduced poor harvest in 2000. Grain production in 2001, some 46 percent higher than the average of the past five years, included 340 000 tonnes of wheat compared with 151 000 tonnes in 2000, and 74 000 tonnes of coarse grains compared with 71 000 tonnes in 2000. Winter cereals for harvest in 2002 have been seeded on 317 000 hectares, which is similar to the area under winter cereals in 2001.

Potato production, a major staple food crop, increased by 33 percent in 2001 compared to the drought reduced crop of 2000 at 300 000 tonnes. Cereal import requirement for the marketing year 2001/02 is estimated at about 303 000 tonnes including an estimated food aid requirement of 71 000 tonnes.