FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/02 - BRAZIL (1 February)

BRAZIL (1 February)

Harvesting of the 2001 wheat crop has been recently completed and output collected has been an above-average 3 million tonnes. A higher outturn had been earlier forecast but heavy rains in November in the key producing areas of Parana and Rio Grande do Sul damaged the crops.

Harvesting of the first (main) season maize crop is about to start in the important southern producing states of Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, while planting of the second season crop (“zafrihna”) has started in the north and north-east areas of the country. A bumper 38.5 million tonnes is initially forecast from both crops. Damage incurred to the first season crop by dry weather at planting (August 2001) is expected to be offset by increased plantings in the second season crop. Expanding exports have been a key incentive in farmers’ decision to enlarge the area planted to maize.

Harvesting of the 2002 paddy crop has recently started and an above-average production of some 11 million tonnes is tentatively forecast.