FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages No.1, February 2002


ALGERIA (1 February)

Early prospects are favourable for the recently planted 2001/02 winter cereal crops to be harvested from June. Planting had been disrupted by weeks of dry weather but torrential rains in early November, particularly in the large grain growing areas in the west, helped restore much needed moisture and thus allowed ploughing and sowing operations to be resumed. The rains, however, resulted in heavy flooding and mudslides, which caused serious damage to urban housing and infrastructure, principally in the capital city, killed 720 people and affected more than 50 000 others. Emergency assistance is being provided by the international community.

Despite an anticipated good wheat outturn, imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are expected to be some 4.9 million tonnes, compared to 5.2 million tonnes in the previous year, in response to strong domestic demand. Food aid from the international community is being provided to some 155 000 refugees from Western Sahara.

EGYPT (1 February)

Planting of the 2002 irrigated wheat crop has been completed under normal weather conditions. Total area is provisionally estimated at a slightly above-average 1.05 million hectares. Harvesting is due to start from April and early prospects are favourable.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are forecast at about 6.1 million tonnes, close to last year�s level.

MOROCCO (1 February)

Below-normal rains delayed sowing of the 2001/02 winter wheat and barley. Total plantings close to last year�s below- average level are reported, with the exception of some areas in the north and east and in the Chaouia-Doukkala zone which received abundant rains at the end of December. The much awaited rains also helped improve pasture conditions. Harvest prospects for the country as a whole are uncertain as irrigation has been restricted in some of the drought affected areas.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are provisionally forecast to be somewhat below the 2000/01 imports of some 3.3 million tonnes. Barley imports are also anticipated to be close to the 2000/01 level.

TUNISIA (1 February)

Planting of the 2001/02 wheat and barley crops has been affected by below-normal precipitation, particularly in the central and southern growing areas where the area planted is reported at below-average levels. Plantings in the north are considered average. Harvesting will start in June and below- average wheat and barley outputs are tentatively forecast.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are forecast at about 1.4 million tonnes, up from 1.1 million tonnes in marketing year 2000/01.

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