FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/02 - PAKISTAN (1 February)

PAKISTAN (1 February)

Harvesting of the winter wheat (rabi) crop, presently in the ground, is due to start from late March and continue through July. The crop is planted at the end of October through November and is mostly irrigated. Despite below-normal rainfall during sowing and a current dry spell, sufficient soil moisture was accumulated in early summer and production prospects are favourable. Wheat output in 2002 is provisionally forecast at an above-average level of 20 million tonnes, some 1 million tonnes above production in 2001. Due to present large carry-over stocks, including maintenance of strategic wheat reserves, the government intends to increase wheat exports in marketing year 2002/03.

Coarse grain output in 2001 was an average 2.1 million tonnes. Production of paddy (planted May through July) improved from earlier estimates, due to monsoon rains which helped alleviate irrigation water shortages, but nevertheless remained below average at 5.7 million tonnes (3.8 million tonnes in milled rice equivalent).