FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/02 - SWAZILAND (4 February)

SWAZILAND (4 February)

Abundant and widespread rains in the third dekad of January benefited developing maize and sorghum crops stressed by erratic precipitation in December and first two dekads of January. The outlook for the 2002 maize and sorghum crops is favourable so far but rains may have arrived too late to prevent yield reductions in parts.

The food supply situation is tight as a result of two consecutive poor harvests. Cereal import requirements in marketing year 2001/02 (April/March) are estimated at 115 000 tonnes, to be covered mostly on a commercial basis. However, commercial imports so far amount to only 51 000 tonnes. The Government has started distribution of limited amounts of emergency food aid to households affected by drought in 2001.