FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/02 - TANZANIA (1 February)

TANZANIA (1 February)

Harvesting of the 2001/02 short “Vuli” season cereal crops in the bi-modal rainfall areas is well advanced. The overall outlook is mixed. A satisfactory crop is anticipated around the Lake Victoria Basin and western Tanzania, while a poor crop is expected in northern and eastern regions mainly due to dry weather. The aggregate 2001/02 cereal production is forecast at 4 million tonnes, about 14 percent above last year’s poor harvest but almost similar to the average for the previous five years.

Despite an overall stable food supply situation, recent reports indicate that nearly 120 000 people in 10 districts would need food assistance. Sharp increase in food prices have been noted in parts due to increased demand for cereals in neighbouring Zambia, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which have food deficits due to adverse weather or insecurity.