FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - AUSTRALIA (2 April)


Planting of the main 2002 wheat and coarse grains crops is due to start in May. Early official forecasts indicate a marginal increase in wheat production to almost 24 million tonnes from 23.8 million tonnes in 2001. This very tentative forecast is based on the expectation of a 2 percent increase in area and an assumption of average seasonal weather conditions, leading to slightly lower yields than in the previous year. By contrast, the area sown to winter barley (the main coarse grain crop) is forecast to decrease by about 2 percent after last year’s record crop. Harvest of the bulk of the minor 2002 summer coarse grains crops, mainly sorghum and maize, will start soon. Output of sorghum is forecast to fall by about 13 percent to 1.8 million tonnes as a result of a decrease in plantings and the adverse effect of hot dry conditions during January in some parts.