FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - ERITREA* (25 April)

ERITREA* (25 April)

The final estimate of the 2001 cereal crop is now put at about 220 000 tonnes. This is about twice the harvest of the previous year and about average. Furthermore, the favorable weather outlook forecast for the March-May period in major cereal producing areas is anticipated to encourage planting of long-cycle cereal crops.

The overall food supply situation, however, remains tight reflecting the displacement of farmers by the recent war with Ethiopia and lingering effects of drought. Although the number of IDPs in camps is gradually declining (currently about 50 000), food assistance continues to be required, and also for refugees returning from Sudan, demobilized soldiers, resettled IDPs and drought affected people. During 2001, WFP distributed about 150 000 tonnes of food to 1 million beneficiaries and expects to distribute about 130 000 tonnes to 800 000 people in 2002.