FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - GUATEMALA (19 April)

GUATEMALA (19 April)

Land is being prepared for planting of the 2002/03 first season cereal and bean crops to be started with the arrival of the first seasonal rains by end-April. Production from last year’s first season crops was seriously affected by drought, but some recovery took place due to the good second season crop outturns. However, the food supply situation continues to be tight in several of the most affected areas, where food assistance from the international community is still being provided. About 88 out of 102 most affected municipalities have been selected for assistance In total, about 155 000 people are being assisted, of whom about 60 000 are children suffering from malnutrition. The situation is also difficult for a large number of unemployed and low paid workers from coffee plantations as a result of the crisis affecting the industry caused by the fall in international coffee prices.