FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - KENYA* (25 April)

KENYA* (25 April)

The 2002 main “long rains” cropping season has begun and the early outlook is favourable according to the forecast near-normal rainfall. Exceptions are Turkana, western Marsabit, northern coastal districts and areas around the shores of Lake Victoria.

Harvesting of the 2001/02 secondary "short rains" cereal crop, which accounts for some 15 percent of annual production, is complete. Favourable rains during the season in main producing areas helped improve yields. The 2001 main "long rains" cereal crop was significantly higher than in 2000, mainly reflecting abundant and well distributed rains in the main producing area of the Rift Valley Province. The aggregate 2001/02 maize production is now estimated at 2.7 million tonnes. Maize prices have declined sharply in recent months, prompting the Government to appeal to donors to increase local purchases.

Despite an overall improvement in food supply, food difficulties persist in pastoral areas, particularly in Turkana, Mandera and parts of Marsabit Districts, where erratic rains continue to constrain food production. An Emergency Operation was jointly approved in April 2002 by FAO and WFP for food assistance to 1.26 million drought-affected people, worth US$ 36.26 million for a period of 6-1/2 months (15 April to 31 October).