FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - LESOTHO (25 April)

LESOTHO (25 April)

Prospects for the 2002 main season cereal harvest, about to start, have deteriorated with persistent heavy rains in the past months. Excessive precipitation since the beginning of the rainy season in October, coupled with hailstorms and pest infestations in parts, has adversely affected yields of maize, wheat and sorghum crops. Preliminary production forecasts indicate a reduced harvest for the third consecutive year, which is likely to aggravate the already precarious food security situation in several areas.

Food shortages are being experienced by many poor households affected by last year’s poor crop. The Government has recently declared a state of famine in the country. Food aid is being distributed by relief organizations to 36 000 most vulnerable people. WFP is distributing 2 200 tonnes of maize meal, beans and vegetable oil to about 7 000 families in five eastern, southeastern and northeastern districts until the next harvest.

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is currently in the country.