FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - MALAWI (22 April)

MALAWI (22 April)

Widespread normal to above-normal rains during the third dekad of March improved prospects for the 2002 cereal crops affected by a dry spell in the previous two dekads. Despite normal cumulative rainfall since the beginning or the season, yields may have been negatively affected by a late start of the rainy season and erratic precipitation, with prolonged dry spells and floods in parts.

The food supply situation is extremely tight following last year’s reduced maize harvest, depletion of strategic reserve and delayed imports. According to civic and church groups, more than 300 people have died by starvation in recent months. As a result of the food shortages, the current maize crop is being consumed green, which will affect supplies in marketing year 2002/2003 (April/May). WFP launched in February an Emergency Operation aiming to distribute 11 400 tonnes of food to assist 301 000 people.

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is currently in the country.