FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - MOZAMBIQUE (23 April)


Harvesting of the 2002 cereal crops is about to start. In the main maize growing northern areas, a good harvest is expected reflecting adequate precipitation during the growing season. However, prolonged dry spells in the southern provinces of Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane, as well as in southern parts of the Central Provinces of Manica, Sofala and Tete, are expected to result in reduced cereal production. However, overall, cereal production is expected to increase over the good harvest last year. In the three Southern provinces, it is estimated that up to 40 000 hectares of various food crops were lost to dry weather, seriously affecting 50,000 households. In general, yields are anticipated to be reduced for the third consecutive year in these areas. Emergency food aid is currently being distributed by WFP to 190 000 most affected people.

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is currently in the country.