FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - UGANDA (25 April)

UGANDA (25 April)

Harvesting of the 2001 secondary season crop is complete. Aggregate cereal production in 2002 is provisionally estimated at 1.7 million tonnes 9 percent and 5 percent above the 2001 and the previous five years average respectively. Scattered rains in March in many parts of the country signified the beginning of the main cropping season. The seasonal forecast for the March to May period indicates an increased likelihood of near normal to above-normal rainfall over central, western, south-western and north-western Uganda; while most eastern, south-eastern and north-eastern districts have increased likelihood of receiving near normal to below normal rainfall.

The start of the rains in pastoral areas of south-western region is replenishing ground water and rejuvenating vegetation. Livestock, therefore, currently have adequate access to drinking water and pastures. Seasonably dry conditions prevail in the north-eastern Karamoja region (Kotido, Moroto and Nakapiripirit Districts).

The overall food supply situation is seasonably satisfactory. However, some 700 000 refugees and displaced persons remain dependent on food assistance.