FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - TANZANIA (25 April)

TANZANIA (25 April)

Prospects for the main season coarse grains in the southern highlands are favorable due to abundant rains. In the bi-modal areas the main season maize crop is now being planted. The weather forecast for March-May 2002 predicts a normal to above-normal rainfall over the northern-half of the country while normal to below-normal rains are predicted over the southern half.

Aggregate 2001/02 cereal production, mainly maize, is estimated at about 4 million tonnes, about 15.5 percent above the previous year’s harvest. Consequently, the overall food supply situation remains satisfactory. However, prices of maize continue to rise in the south due increased exports to neighbouring countries which are facing crop failures. Price increases are also observed in the east coast and northern parts of the country due reduced “Vuli” season harvests.

WFP is assisting some 166 000 people in drought-affected districts for a period of 2 months (up to end-April).