FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/02 - ZIMBABWE* (22 April)

ZIMBABWE* (22 April)

Prospects for the 2002 cereal crops, about to be harvested, are unfavourable. The area planted to the main maize crop is provisionally estimated at 1.26 million hectares, 3 percent above the reduced level of last year but 11 percent below that of 2000. Yields are anticipated to be reduced as a result of a prolonged dry spell in January and February. The maize output is forecast lower than the poor crop of 2001. The marketing year 2002/03 (April/March) will begin with completely depleted reserves and the already very tight food supply situation is anticipated to further deteriorate in 2002/03. Protracted humanitarian assistance will be necessary for the most vulnerable groups.

Prices of maize have continued to increase despite the price control imposed by the Government, reflecting inadequate levels of maize imports. Food shortages are reported from several locations of the country, particularly in Matabeleland South, Matabeleland North, Masvingo, Midlands, Manicaland, and parts of Mashonaland West and Central Provinces. WFP is providing emergency food assistance to the most vulnerable populations but donor contributions fall short of requirements.

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is currently in the country.