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Ministerial-Level Session of the Conference

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

1. welcomed the initiative of the Director-General in convening the upcoming WFS:fyl and noted the potential for a “Global Alliance Against Hunger” to further mobilise political will in combating hunger; delegates looked forward to further discussion of the concept at the WFS:fyl.

2. urged FAO to assist in building capacity in biotechnology, paying special attention to human and environmental risks.

3. encouraged the further strengthening of mechanisms promoted by FAO for exchanging technical knowledge and experience through South-South Cooperation, regional networking, and other partnerships.

Sustainable Mountain Development in Asia and the Pacific

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

4. urged member countries and international organizations to collaborate in addressing forest fires, illegal and reckless logging and forest encroachment.

5. recommended that member countries, with assistance from FAO and other partners, initiate specific studies to determine optimal and efficient systems for marketing mountain products and services in competitive markets.

6. recommended that member countries work with FAO and partner organizations to identify products and niches that command competitive and comparative advantages and strengthen the production capacities for those which appear most promosing.

7. urged member countries and FAO to give increased attention to enhancing food security in mountainous regions.

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

8. urged governments and communities to establish and strengthen policies and strategies for protecting mountain forests, water, soil and biodiversity resources.

9. encouraged member countries to implement holistic, participatory, integrated watershed management programs that address the needs of local people and protect and enhance natural resources.

10. called on member governments to give high priority to establishing and improving transport, energy and communication links and services to mountain communities.

11. encouraged governments to support viable alternative income and employment opportunities in mountain regions, including innovative new options such as out-sourcing of tasks via modern electronic systems.

12. recommended that governments and national and local non-governmental organizations provide targeted “safety nets” and social programs to reduce hunger, increase employment, and enhance self-worth of vulnerable groups, especially women and children.

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

13. requested FAO to work with member countries to assess the likely positive and negative impacts of exposing mountain communities to more open economies.

14. requested FAO to strengthen its community nutrition programs in mountain areas.

15. recommended that FAO, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), the Regional Community Forestry Training Centre (RECOFTC) and other international organizations increase their support for research, development, promotion and capacity building aimed at developing ecotourism, consistent with sound environmental, social and livelihood objectives.

16. requested FAO to support improved networking and effective dissemination of development-related information to mountain areas, via modern as well as traditional mechanisms.

17. recommended that FAO identify and support effective approaches for decentralisation and devolution of natural resources management, assist governments and local communities in strengthening capacities for local resources management and help clarify associated rights and obligations.

Livestock and Fisheries Development for Household Food and Nutrition Security and Poverty Alleviation in Asia and the Pacific

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

18. urged member countries, with support from FAO and other international organizations, to create favourable institutional and political environments that would enable the poor to share in the benefits from the surge in growth of the livestock and fisheries sectors.

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

19. called on countries to support and implement the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries; the Asia Regional Guidelines for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals; and other voluntary agreements, guidelines and international plans of action.

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

20. requested FAO to assist countries in developing appropriate policies to reduce the financial, technical and cultural barriers that limit small-scale producers' ability to benefit from the expansion of the livestock and fisheries sectors.

21. urged FAO to assist member countries in formulating appropriate legal and policy frameworks in support of the rural poor and to help build institutional capacity for implementing effective policies and programs.

21. Requested FAO to assist member countries in developing appropriate policy and legislation related to small-scale coastal fisheries.

22. requested FAO to support networks that encourage governments, national and international organizations, civil societies and the corporate sector to review livestock and fisheries policies and strategies vis-à-vis the poor.

23. requested FAO to assist countries in developing the necessary capacity to ensure food safety throughout the production and processing chain.

24. requested FAO to help countries build capacity for addressing food safety and sanitary and phyto-sanitary regulations of importing countries.

25. recommended that FAO formulate a plan of action for the livestock sector for supporting, among others, a regional emergency response system to deal with transboundary animal diseases, a regional program for the control of foot-and-mouth disease, a diagnostic information reference system and procedures for harmonising laboratory standards.

Empowering the Rural Poor in Asia and the Pacific

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

26. endorsed empowerment of the rural poor as a key approach for sustained and rapid poverty reduction and enhancement of food security; there was consensus that devolution of decision-making authority and development resources to community levels is crucial to the empowerment process.

27. urged FAO and member countries to integrate gender considerations into the process of empowering the rural poor.

28. encouraged FAO and member governments to identify practical ways and means (both modern and traditional) to bridge information and technology gaps for the benefit of the rural poor.

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

29. urged countries to adopt public policies and programs to ensure that the rural poor have access to productive resources such as land, water and capital as well as support services like research, extension, marketing, credit, etc.

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

30. requested FAO to provide technical support and organize resources to assist member countries in conducting agriculture and rural sector reviews, including assessment of policy issues and options for food security and poverty reduction.

31. urged FAO to provide technical assistance and advice and to strengthen country capacities, in areas related to agri-business development and rural extension.

Preparation for the WFS:fyl−Regional Dimensions

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

32. called for substantial increases in agriculture and rural development investments.

33. urged follow-up action to the International Conference on Financing for Development to enhance allocations of financial resources to the agriculture and rural development sectors.

34. urged national and international organizations to step up research efforts to identify sound approaches for adapting agriculture to meet the challenges of climate change.

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

35. urged member countries to give priority to sustainable, broad-based agricultural growth (including enhanced productivity) and rural development as cornerstones for reducing undernourishment.

37. encouraged all countries, that have not yet prepared national action plans, to do so as quickly as possible and to support their effective implementation.

38. recommended that countries pay special attention to the roles of women in agriculture and utilise the vast potential of community-government partnerships in combating hunger.

39. urged countries to ensure that the important principles adopted at the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization in Doha are implemented.

40. urged member countries to participate fully and effectively in the upcoming round of negotiations on agriculture to ensure fairness and equity in existing arrangements.

41. encouraged member countries to extend their full support to the application of food insecurity and vulnerability information mapping systems (FIVIMS).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

42. requested FAO to strengthen national capacities to analyse trade issues, assist countries in formulating and updating national trade legislation and facilitate regional and sub-regional information sharing related to trade negotiations.

43. requested FAO to provide support to member countries in establishing and strengthening national FIVIMS.

Information on World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

44. urged member countries to participate in the upcoming Consultation on Agricultural Information Management (COAIM) in September 2002.

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