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Date and Place of the Twenty-seventh Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific

81. The Government of the People's Republic of China graciously informed the Conference of its interest and willingness to host the twenty-seventh Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, in Beijing, in 2004.

Adoption of the Report

82. The Conference unanimously adopted the draft report as presented by the Rapporteur.

Closure of the Conference

83. On behalf of His Majesty's Government of Nepal, His Excellency Mr Mahesh Acharya thanked the participants for their constructive and positive contributions, which had contributed to the Conference's success. In closing the Conference, he noted it had succeeded in developing common understanding of the strategies, policies and actions needed to achieve the target of halving the number of undernourished by 2015 and encouraged member countries to further share these ideas at the upcoming WFS:fyl.

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