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Anon. 1995. Bilan et Perspectives du sous Secteur des Forets et de la Protection de la Nature, Direction Generale des Forets, Ministrere de l Agriculture, Republique Algerienne Democratique et Populaire.

1997. Personal communication from the Director General of Forests who attended the First session of the Conference of the Parties on Convention to Combat Desertification in Rome from 29 Sep to 10 Oct 1997.


Anon. 1994. Repport de la Mission de Consultation pour le sous-sector Forestier, Ministere de L’Agriculture et du Deveppment Rural, Projet prege - sous-comp. Agriculture, Republique de L’ANGOLA (plantation area figure up to 1991).


1996. Country report submitted to the 19th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Panama City 17-21 June 1996 (mentions plantation area figure up to 1992, and annual plantation 19000 ha during previous years).


Anon. 1996. DPI Forestry 95-96 year book, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland, Australia.

Anon. 1997. Australia’s First Approximation Report for The Montreal Process, Commonwealth of Australia, 104 pp (plantation area figure up to 1994).


1993. Country report submitted to the 18th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.


Anon. 1995. Development Prospectives of the Forestry Sector Master Plan, Bangladesh.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantation by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of Bangladesh through FAO Representative dated 4 July 1996.


1993. Country report submitted to the 18th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.


1992. Country Report submitted to the 9th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali, Rwanda.


1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantation by the Forestry Services Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Thimpu, Bhutan.


1996. Country report submitted to the 19th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Panama City 17-21 June 1996 (mentions total plantation up to 1995 as 20,000 ha and area of industrial plantation only 2000 ha).


Anon. 1996. The Brazilian Ecosystems and the Main Development Macro- Vectors, Subsides to the Planning of Environmental Management, Ministry of the Environment, Water Resources and Legal Amazon, National Environment Program / UNDP, Brazilia - DF, Brazil.

Mota, L.O. 1997. Brazil the biggest sustainable pulp industry in Latin America, paper presented to Latin American pulp and Paper conference, Miami 23-24 June.

SBS. 1997. The Brazilian Forestry Sector Facts and Figures, displayed at the XI World Forestry Congress 13-22 October at Antalya, Turkey.

Burkina Faso

Coulibaly, B. 1993. Politique Forestiere Cynegetique Halieutique Du Burkina Faso, Rapport de mission TCP/BKF/2357(A) FAO, Rome.


Anon. 1993. Formation Forstiere et Agroforestiere A L’Institut Technique Agricole du Burundi, Conclusion et Recommendation du Project, UNDP/FAO, Rome.

Gnrofoun, T. 1990. Plan D Action Forestier Tropical, Republique du Burundi.

Marmabatchi, A. 1992. Renforcement des Capacities D’action de la Direction General de L’ Amenagement du Territories, des Eaux et des Forets, Programme de Cooperation Technique, Burundi, Document de terrain No. 1 FO: TCP/BDI/2252 (A), FAO, Rome.

1992. Country report submitted to the 9th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali, Rwanda.


Pierre, V. 1995. Evaluation de L’Impact des Plantations Agricoles et Forestiere, Strategies pour la Conservation, La Gestion et la valourisation Durables de la Biodiversite au Cameroun and personal communication with the author during the 11 World Forestry Congress at Antalya, Turkey.

1992. Country report submitted to the 9th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali, Rwanda.

Cape Verde

Anon. 1992. Elaboration D’ UN Plan D’ Action Forestier Tropical, Document d’ orientation FO: GCP/CVI/026/BEL, Ministere des Peches, Agriculture et Animation Rural, Cap Vert and FAO, Rome.

Laethauwer, E. De. 1991. Rapport des Activities pour les divisions estudes et planification et Creation des Ressources Forestieres, Development et mise en valeur des Ressources Forestieres, GCP/CVI/015/BEL Phase III, FAO Cap Vert.

Novoa, L.A. 1991 Development et mise en valeur des Ressources Forestieres (Santiago-Maio), GCP/CVI/015/BEL Rapport semestrial-1-91, FAO Cap Vert Mai 1991.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantation by the Direccao Servicos Silvicultura through FAO Representative dated 12 August 1996.


1992. Country report submitted to the 9th session of African Forestry Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali, Rwanda.


Anon. 1995. Estadisticus Forestales 1994, Boletin Estadistico No. 40, Instituto Forestal Division Estudios Economicos y Medio Ambiente, Santiago, Chile.

Anon. 1997. Mailing Executive, Corporacion Chilena de la Madera, Santiago de Chile, Ano l No1.

Mullins, G. 1997. The basis for the future of Chile’s solid pulp and paper industry, CMPC Celulose.


Anon. 1995. Forestry Development in China, Ministry of Forestry, The Peoples Repulic of China, Beijing 1995.

1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Ministry of Forestry, The Peoples Repulic of China, through FAO Representative Beijing dated 21 December 1995.

1997. Personal communication from Professor Shi Kunshan, Director, Institute of Scientific Information of Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing China on the results of the Fourth National Forest Inventory (1989-93) of China.


1993. Country report submitted to the 18th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.

1996. Country report submitted to the 19th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Panama City 17-21 June 1996.


1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sanbonani, South Africa.

Congo PDR (Zaire)

1991. Rapport national d’ activites forestieres to 10th World Forestry Congress.

1992. Country report submitted to the 9th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kirgil, Rwanda by Republique du Zaire Ministere de L environment et Conservation de la Nature.

Costa Rica

1993. Country report submitted to the 18th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.

1997. Gomez, M., Shultz, S. and Ramirez, O. 1997. Cotribution de las planteciones forestales a les Cuentas Nationales, Revista Forestal Centroamericana, CATIE, No. 18, Ano 6, 23-27 pp.

1997. Personal communication from the Mr. Manuel Gomez, Economista Forestal, CATIE, Costa Rica, which gave a detail and comprehensive information on the composition of species and their growth rates in plantation.

1997. Personal communication from the Dr. Francisco Mensen, Forest Geneticist, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica.

Cote d’Ivoire

1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantation by the Direction Generale des Eaux et Forets through FAO Representative dated 5 December 1995.

JOFCA. 1996. Technical Review And Case Study On Value Added Wood Processing of Fast Growing Tropical Species, a Pre Project Report prepared for ITTO by Japan Overseas Forestry Consultants Association, PPR 37/96 (l)


1993. Country report submitted to the 18th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.

1996. Country report submitted to the 19th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Panama City 17-21 June 1996 (plantation area figure up to 1994).


1996. Country report submitted to the 19 th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Panama City 17-21 June 1996.

Dominica Republic

1993. La Situation Forestal de la Republica Dominicana ano 1991-1993, Santo Dominigo, submitted to the 18 th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.


Mansur, Eduardo. 1996. Country Profile - Ecuador, Tropical Forest UPDATE, ITTO News letter Volume 6, No.2

1993. Country report submitted to the 18 th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.

Equatorial Guinea

1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantation by the National Directorate of Forestry through FAO Representative dated 31 August 1995.

Ethiopia PDR

Anon. 1993. Assistance to Research and Afforestation and Conservation: Phase I, Project Findings and Recommendations, Terminal Report FO: DP/ETH/88/010 UNDP/FAO Rome.

1995. Country report submitted to the 10 th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sanbonani, South Africa.

1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantation by the Head, Forest and Wild Life Department, the Transitional Government of Ethiopia, Ministry of Agriculture through FAO Representative dated 21 November 1995 (plantation area up to 1990).


Anon. 1996. Fiji Pine Limited Annual Report 1996.

Swarup, R. 1995. Fiji Initiative to Promote Sustainable Management, at FAO-ITTO Regional Expert Consultation on the Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management, 12-15 December, 1995 Bangkok Thailand.


Anon. 1991. Tropical forestry Action Plan (Background Paper), Republic of the Gambia, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, FAO.

1992. Country report submitted to the 9 th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali, Rwanda.


1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantation by the Ministry of Land and Forestry through FAO Representative dated 2 November 1995.


1996. Informe Nacional de Guatemal, Situacion Forestal Para el Period 1994-1995 to 19. Reunion de la Comision Forestal Para America Latina Y el Caribe at Panama City 17-21 June 1996.


1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and 11 session of Working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, Lowveld, South Africa.


1996. Country report submitted to the 19 th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Panama City 17-21 June 1996 (mentions maintenance of existing plantations of P. caribaea).


1996. Informe Sobre el Sector Forestal de Honduras, Decimonovena Reunion de la Comision Forestal Para America Latina Y el Caribe at Panama City 17-21 June 1996.


Ahmed, M.F. 1997. Indepth Country Study -India, The Asia Pacific Sector towards 2010.

Anon. 1995. Forestry Statistics India, Indian council of Forestry Research and Education, New Forest, Dehradun.


Anon. 1995. Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia (gives up to date area of Coconut, Oil palm and Rubber plantations).

1996. Major Developments and Issues Related to Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia, submitted to the 16th session of the Asia -Pacific Forestry Commission, Yangon, Myanmar Jan 1996.

1996. Country Paper: Indonesia, Progress Towards Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests (Objective Year 2000), submitted to the 20th session of the International Tropical Timber Council, Yokohama, 13-20 November 1996 (gives updated area of forest plantations by different agencies).


1993. Country report submitted to the 18 th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.

1996. National report on the State of Forestry in Jamaica submitted to 19th session of the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission, Panama city 17-21 June 1996.


Burn-Murdoch, N.G. 1992. Forest Estate Simulations and their use in Management Planning for Kenya’s Plantation Resource, Forest plantation Inventory and Management Planning project, Field document No. 13 FO: DP/KEN/86/052, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Forestry Department, Nairobi and FAO.

1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and 11 session of Working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, Lowveld, South Africa.


Anon. 1995. National Workshop on Strengthening Re-afforestation Programmes in Lao PDR, Vientiane 19-21 June 1995, FAO Regional Project “ Strengthening Reafforestaion Programme in Asia” (STRAP), Field Document No. 4 GCP/RAS/JPN, 126 pp.

1996. Country Report, Overview of Forest Situation in Lao PDR Issues - Policy- Development, Ministrial meeting of Forestry for Five Continental South East Asian Nations, Hanoi September 1996.


1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Division dated 12 June 1996.


1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, Lowveld, South Africa.


1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Direction General De L’ Environment Madagascar through FAO Representative dated 28 December 1995 (only four years cumulative figure of 22587 ha from 1987-90).


Goulding, C.J. 1991. Results of the 1990/91 Inventory, Pre-investment Inventory of Viphya Forest Plantations, Malawi, FO: TCP/MLW/8956 (I) Field Document No. 6, FAO, Rome.

1992. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali.

1995. Country report submitted to the 11th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, Lowveld, South Africa.


Anon. 1995. Annual Report 1995, Forestry Department Sabah.

Anon. 1996. Yearbook of Statistics - Malaysia 1996, Department of Statistics Malaysia (gives area of Coconut, Oil palm and Rubber plantation).

Anon. 1996. Yearbook of Statistics - SABAH 1996, department of Statistics Malaysia (gives area of Coconut, Oil palm and Rubber plantation).

Anon. 1996. Yearbook of Statistics - SARAWAK 1996, Department of Statistics Malaysia (gives area of Coconut, Oil palm and Rubber plantation).

Anon. 1997. Malaysia to Step up Forest Plantation, Malaysian Timber Bulletin, Vol. 3No. 5

Chiew, T.H. 1995. Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management in Malaysia, A Case Study, FAO-ITTO, Regional Expert Consultation on the Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management, 12-15 December 1995, FAO RAPA Office , Bangkok, Thailand.

JOFCA 1996. Technical Review And Case Study On Value Added Wood Processing of Fast Growing Tropical Species, a Pre Project Report prepared for ITTO by Japan Overseas Forestry Consultants Association, PPR 37/96 (l).

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s department, Malaysia through UNDP Representative, Kuala Lumpur dated 9 January 1996.


1992. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali.

1997. Personal communication from the Secretaire Technique (Mr. Mohamed L,Kalle) who attended First session of the Conference of the Parties on Convention to Combat Desertification in Rome from 29 Sep to 10 Oct 1997.


1997. Personal communication from the Director of Environment and Rural Management (Mr. Fall Oumar) who attended First session of the Conference of the Parties on Convention to Combat Desertification in Rome from 29 Sep to 10 Oct 1997.


1992. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Kigali.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Direction du Development Forestier, Ministere de L Agriculture et de la Misc en Valeur Agricole through FAO Representative dated 19 September 1996.


Tint, Kyaw Dr. 1996. National progress Report - Mynmar, submitted to the 16th Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, Yangon, Myanmar Jan 1996.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Forest Department, through FAO Representative, Gyogon dated 28 August 1996.

1996. Status Paper of Forestry Sector in Myanmar, submitted to the Ministrial meeting on Forestry for Five Continental South East Asian Nations, Hanoi September 1996.


1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Tourism through FAO Representative dated 21 September 1995.


Master Plan for the Forestry Sector, Nepal gives plans for future plantations).


1997. Personal communication to Mr. J.B. Ball (FORM) from Mr. Richard Owen (TCIL) who gathered information on forest plantation during his travel to Nicaragua from the Direcion General Forestal, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARENA), Managa, Nicaragua.


1997. Personal communication from the National Director of Forest Service (Mr. Laoualy Ada) who attended First session of the Conference of the Parties on Convention to Combat Desertification in Rome from 29 Sep to 10 Oct 1997.


Anon. 1991. Forest Plantation development in Nigeria by 1990, Forest Management, Evaluation and coordination Unit (FORMECU), Federal Department of Forestry, Ibadan, Nigeria (consists some description of the species planted).

Anon. 1996. Annual Abstract of Statistics, 1996 Edition, Federal Office Statistics, Lagos, Nigeria (consists area of Oil palm plantation)

1997. Country Report of Nigeria submitted to the XI World Forestry Congress 13-22 October at Antalya, Turkey by the Federal Department of Forestry, Abuja, Nigeria (consists plantation data up to 1995).


Ahmed, R. 1994. Data Collection, Storage and Use in Forest Sector Planning in Pakistan, Country Status Report.

Ashraf, M.M., Choudhry, I. and Grosenick, G. 1991. Irrigated Plantations in Pakistan, Background Paper for Forestry Sector Master Plan Pakistan.

Crabtree, D. and Khan, J.A. 1991. Fuelwood and Energy in Pakistan, Background Paper for Forestry Sector Master Plan Pakistan, Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance T.A. No. 1170-PAK and UNDP PAK/88/018.

Phillips, J. 1992. Farm Forestry Survey, Background Paper for Forestry Sector Master Plan Pakistan, Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance T.A. No. 1170-PAK and UNDP PAK/88/018.

1993. Country Progress Report submitted to 15th session of the Asia -Pacific Forestry Commission, August 1993, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Forest Department, Government of Sindh, through FAO Representative, Islamabad, Pakistan, dated 17 December 1996 (plantation area figure of Sindh only).


1996. Informe Nacional de Situacion Forestal (1994-1995) Elaborado para la XIX Reunion de la Comision Forestal, Latinoamerica Y del Caribe de Panama City 17-21 June 1996.

Papua New Guinea

1996. Country Statement submitted to the 16th Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, Yangon, Myanmar Jan 1996.


1993. Informe Nacional de la Situacion de los Recursos Forestales (1991-1993), Comision Forestal Para America Latina Y el Caribe Decimo Octava sesion, Maldonado, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.


Arbaiza, M. C. 1996. Country Profile - Peru, Tropical Forest UPDATE, ITTO Newsletter Volume 6, No.3

1996. Informe Nacional de la Situacion Forestales del Peru para el periodo 1994-1995, 19o Reunion de la Comision Forestal Para America Latina Y el Caribe de Panama City 17-21 June 1996 (mentions plantation area up to 1995, mostly Eucalyts).


JOFCA. 1996. Technical Review And Case Study On Value Added Wood Processing of Fast Growing Tropical Species, a Pre Project Report prepared for ITTO by Japan Overseas Forestry Consultants Association, PPR 37/96 (l) (gives plantation area figure up to 1994).

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Forest Management Bureau, dated 22 July 1996 (gives plantation area figure up to 1990).


1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, Lowveld, South Africa (plantation data up to 1995).

Saint Vincent

1993. Country report submitted to the 18th session of Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission at Montevideo, Uruguay 6-10 December 1993.


1997. Personal communication from the of the Director General of Forests (Mr. Abdoulaye Kane) who attended the XI World Forestry Congress, 13-22 October at Antalya, Turkey (annual plantation data up to 1995 and number of seedlings of various species raised each year).

Sierra Leon

1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, Lowveld, South Africa.

Soloman Islands

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Forestry Division, Soloman Islands through FAO Representative, Apia, Western Samoa dated 15 August 1996.

South Africa

1996. Abstract of the South African Forestry Facts for the year 1994/95, published by the Forest Owners Association.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Department of water Affairs and Forestry, RSA through UNDP Representative, Pretoria dated 6 September 1996.

Sri Lanka

1993. National Progress Report on Forestry 1990-92 submitted to 15th session of the Asia -Pacific Forestry Commission, August 1993, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

1996. National Progress Report submitted to 16th session of the Asia -Pacific Forestry Commission, Yangon, Myanmar Jan 1996.


Anon. 1995. Handbook of Forestry Sector Statistics Sudan, Field Document No. 51, Forestry Development in the Sudan (GCP/SUD/047/NET), FAO and Forest National Corporation, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Khatoum- Sudan.

1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, South Africa.

1997. Personal communication from the State Minister (Prof. Hassan Osman A. Elnour), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry during the XI World Forestry Congress 13-22 October at Antalya, Turkey.

1997. Sudan National Report submitted to AFWC/EFC/NEFC Committee on Meditrranean Forestry Questions, Silva Mediterranea, 17th Session, Antalya, Turkey .


1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, South Africa.


1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Ministry of natural resources and Tourism, Forestry and Beekeeping Division through FAO Representative, Dar Es Salaam dated 18 June 1996 (gives plantation area figure up to 1990).


Anon. 1994. Forestry Statistics of Thailand 1994, Data Centre Information Office, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok.

1993. National Progress Report on Current State and Trends for Forests, Forest Industries, and Forest Products submitted to 15th session of the Asia -Pacific Forestry Commission, August 1993, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, South Africa.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Direction Generale du Development Rural through FAO Representative, Lome dated 2 July 1996.

Trinidad and Tobago

1996. National report on the State of Forestry in Trinidad and Tobago submitted to 19th session of the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission, Panama city 17-21 June 1996.


Anon. 1992. Tunisie Dexiemem Projet de Developpment Forestier, Repport de Preparation, Volume 1 de 2 Volumes, No. du rapport 114/92 CP-TUN 74, FAO/ World Bank Programme de Cooperation, Centre D’Investissement.

Anon. 1997. Plan de Developpment des Ressources Forestieres et Pastorales, Direction Generale des Forets, Ministere de L’ Agriculture, Republique Tunisienne.

1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, South Africa.

1996. Country report submitted to the 12th session of the Near East Forestry Commission at Cairo, Egypt 21-24 October 1996.


1995. Country report submitted to the 10th session of African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and working party on Wildlife Management and National Parks at Sabonani, Lowveld, South Africa.

1996. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forest Department through FAO Representative, Kampala dated 4 July 1996.


Stolovich, L. 1995. Forestacion Un Negocio Para Quien, Instituto del Tercer Mundo (ITeM), Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Dessarrollo, Uruguay (CIEDUR).

1996. Informe Nacional de la Situacion Forestal en la Republica Oriental del Uruguay para el periodo 1994-1995, 19o Reunion de la Comision Forestal Para America Latina Y el Caribe de Panama City 17-21 June 1996 (annual plantation figures up to 1994).


Reis, M.S. 1997. Country Profile - Venezuela, Tropical Forest UPDATE, ITTO News letter Volume 7, No.1.

1996. Informe de la Situacion Forestal de Venezuela periodo 1994-1995, 19o Reunion de la Comision Forestal Para America Latina Y el Caribe de Panama 17-21 Junio 1996.


Anon. 1994. National Workshop on Strengthening Reafforestation Programmes in Vietnam, Thua Thie Hue, Vietnam 20-22 December 1994, FAO Regional Project “ Strengthening Reafforestaion Programme in Asia” (STRAP), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Field Document No. 2 GCP/RAS/142/JPN, 224 pp.

Anon. 1996. National Workshop on Strengthening Industrial Plantation Programmes in Vietnam, Pleiku, Gai Lai Vietnam 9-11 January 1996, FAO Regional Project “ Strengthening Reafforestaion Programme in Asia” (STRAP), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Field Document No. 7 GCP/RAS/142/JPN, 119 pp.

1996. National Progress Report submitted to 16th session of the Asia -Pacific Forestry Commission, Yangon, Myanmar, January 1996.


Anon. 1995. Assessment results by plantation management, ZAFFICO, Zambia.

1995. Questionnaire reply on the Evaluation of Forest Plantations by the Forestry Department through FAO Representative, Lusaka dated 21 November 1995.


Zimbabwe, 1996. Annual Report, Research and development Division, Forestry Commission Zimbabwe.

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