Most rainfed crops failed following dry weather in July. Following first significant early rains in June, which permitted early planting of coarse grains, dry weather occurred in July. As a result, most “dieri” (rainfed) crop plantings failed. Rainfall resumed in early August in the southern and south-eastern regions, allowing replantings but the weather was still relatively dry until early September in the western Brakna and Traza region. On 1 September the Government declared a national disaster and appealed for emergency food aid. Dieri production represents about one-third of total cereal production in a normal year.

Pastures are now growing satisfactorily in the south and south-east. Aerial and ground treatments against grain-eating birds are underway in Trarza Department where pest control teams had treated 2 911 hectares as of 20 August. Isolated adult desert locusts have been reported in the south and the centre. It is forecast that small-scale breeding will occur, causing a slight increase in the numbers of locusts in these regions.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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