FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 11/02 - CANADA (4 November)

CANADA (4 November)

Cereal output in 2002 is set to fall sharply following one of the worst droughts on record across the central and northern regions of Saskatchewan and Alberta. According the latest official report in late October, aggregate cereal production is forecast at just over 35 million tonnes, 19 percent down from the previous year. Wheat output is forecast at 15.5 million tonnes (2001: 20.6 million tonnes), and production of coarse grains is put at 19.8 million tonnes (2001: 22.7 million tonnes). Outputs of all coarse grains other than maize fell. By contrast to the other crops, maize is predominantly grown in eastern Canada where weather conditions are reported to have been better than last year and maize yields increased slightly as a result.