FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 11/02 - MALI (9 November)

MALI (9 November)

Following irregular and below-average rains in May and June, precipitation improved in early July and remained widespread and regular until early September. However, it decreased significantly during the last dekad of September.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission which visited the country from 7 to 11 October estimated 2002 aggregate cereal production at some 2 500 000 tonnes (rice in paddy equivalent), which is similar to both last year’s good harvest and the average of the last five years. Compared to last year, rice production is forecast to decrease by 13 percent to some 816 000 tonnes, while coarse grains production, estimated at about 1 700 000, increased by 4 percent.

The overall food situation is satisfactory. Overall cereal prices started to decrease. The reconstitution of the National Security Stock to its optimum level of 35 000 tonnes will require the purchase of 15 000 tonnes in 2002/03.