FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - COLOMBIA (15 February)

COLOMBIA (15 February)

Harvesting of the 2002/03 second season cereal crops is well advanced. Production of maize, the main coarse grain, is expected to be some 1.15 million tonnes, slightly above the output collected in 2001 and the past five-years average of about 1 million tonnes. An average output of sorghum of 250 000 tonnes is anticipated. Production of paddy, the main cereal, in 2002 is estimated at 2.35 million tonnes which compares to the average of 2.1 million tonnes.

Wheat imports in 2003 are forecast to decline from 1.2 million tonnes in the previous year, mostly as a consequence of higher international prices. Maize imports in 2003 are expected to remain at about 2.1 million tonnes due to the strong demand of the animal feed sector.

Food assistance from the international community continues in various parts of the country to the internally displaced population, the victims of the civil strife which for long is affecting the country.