FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF* (25 February)


The persistent civil conflict continues to adversely affect the agriculture and food situation throughout the country. In the Kasai Oriental Province, an intensification of fighting between Mayi-Mayi militias and the “Rassemblement congolais pour la democratie-Goma” rebel movement along the western bank of the River Lomami since late 2002, has resulted in over 30 000 new internally displaced people by January 2003. Following repeatedly looting and burning of crops, these populations had been forced to abandon their farms and seek refuge in the areas around Tshumbe, Wembonyama, Lubefu and Katako Kombe. Fighting in late February in the northeastern province of Bunia, bordering Uganda, also resulted in fresh waves of internally displaced populations. In the Kivu provinces, insecurity coupled with a late start of the rainy season has resulted in another reduced 2003 first season foodcrops. The nutritional situation of large numbers of internally displaced in eastern parts of the country gives cause for serious concern.