FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - ETHIOPIA* (28 February)

ETHIOPIA* (28 February)

A recent FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission found that grain production has declined sharply mainly due to drought. Large numbers of livestock have died and rates of malnutrition, particularly among children, have increased dramatically. The Mission forecast total pulse and cereal production at about 9.27 million tonnes, comprising 8.92 million tonnes from the main "meher" season harvest and a predicted 350 000 tonnes from the secondary "belg" season harvest in 2003. At this level, cereal and pulse production is about 25 percent below last year and 21 percent below the average for the previous five years. The population in need of emergency assistance is estimated to peak at over 11 million in 2003 and will need some 1.44 million tonnes of food, including 1.3 million tonnes of cereals. While donors have so far pledged 57 percent of the overall food relief requirements, pledges for supplementary food stand at only 35 percent of requirements. This is particularly worrying given the very poor nutritional status being reported in many areas of the country.