FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - TIMOR-LESTE, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF (18 February)


Harvesting of maize, the main staple food crop of the country, is underway. Output is provisionally forecast to be somewhat higher than last year’s estimate of 106 000 tonnes, reflecting larger area sown following adequate availability of agricultural inputs and improved security conditions. The paddy crop, planted from December on, normally produces some 50 000 tonnes.

Reliable estimates on production of roots, tubers and pulses are not available. Considering the total cereal production, the import requirement (food gap) of about 28 000 tonnes or 17 percent of the overall national consumption requirement is estimated for 2002/03 marketing year (April/March). Incidents of food shortages and malnutrition, particularly among returning refugees, have been reported.

Two people were killed and several others injured in clashes that broke out early in December in Dili. Violence was reported to be the worst since the country of some 800 000 inhabitants become independent in May 2002.